Book Review of Collared by David Rosenfelt

Collared- An Andy Carpenter Mystery by David Rosenfelt

Collared has two connotations. The first is collaring a dog, while the second is collaring a criminal. David Rosenfelt may be alluding to the former, but the theme of his book is really about the latter. My library has a sticker on the spine indicating it is the 14th Andy Carpenter mystery. This is the first I have read. Rosenfelt writes so that you are not missing out by not having read the previous books.

The narrative is first person through the eyes of Andy Carpenter. It took me a few chapters to warm to his personality. Carpenter is a reluctant lawyer. References are made to the fact he is wealthy enough not to work. This background allows him to fully focus on just one case.

This story (and perhaps all the Carpenter stories) is triggered by a dog. In the case of Collared, an abandoned dog is identified via chip as one that disappeared at the scene of a kidnapping. The young child has never been found yet a man, who proclaims his innocence, resides in a New Jersey penitentiary.

Over the course of the novel, Andy Carpenter takes on the convicted kidnapper as a client. Carpenter successfully pushes for a retrial. In the course of defending his client the mystery is solved. As with all good mysteries there are quite a few twists and turns before the criminal mastermind is collared.

I don’t want to give too much of the plot away. The twists and turns are believable. I enjoyed the writing because the author made me smile and even chuckle a few times. I read to relax and for entertainment. Many people watch television for the same reason. I prefer books.

Authors that succeed in getting an emotional response out of me get flagged as one to read again. Yes, I plan to go back to the library and check out another of the thirteen books featuring Carpenter as the protagonist. Rosenfelt is an author I find entertaining.

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