Organization Tips and Tricks
It is officially fall here on the High Plains. Sleet has ushered in the days of staying inside. I prefer to spend my mornings in the garden, but this is the time of year to reclaim the house! Today I am going to share some organization tips and tricks to keep things uncluttered.
Junk Drawers
Clutter comes in many forms. Junk drawers are famous for holding clutter. I confess I have more than one junk drawer. The one in the kitchen is reorganized most often. As you can see from the top right picture, it is time to do that again.
I believe completely emptying the drawer is the best way to start. This also gives you a chance to wipe the drawer clean of dust bunnies. As the photo on the left shows, the contents of the drawer are better viewed when spread out on a table or countertop. The amount of junk is amazing.
Identifying trash is not easy. Some items which may seem like trash to others might have sentimental value. For example, wine corks or even the outside foil of the wine bottle may have personal significance. In this case, you need to have a plan. Can the items be displayed as a keepsake? Many people collect corks to display. In my case however, they will go into the compost pile.
Some things simply need to return to their designated home. I keep batteries in another place, so the package I found has been returned to its rightful place. A place for everything and everything in its place is a good motto.
Items that stay in the drawer are separated in two categories. The small articles are placed in baggies, either snack size or quart size. I use baggies I have previously used and washed out. The larger items are placed directly in the drawer. The lower right photo shows great improvement.
Bedroom Closet Organization Tips and Tricks
The bedroom closet is next on the list for reorganization. I use two key organization tips and tricks I in my closet. Now that cold weather is here, I group all the summer outfits and move them to the back of the closet. Next are items that can be layered. Then I place cold-weathered items up front where they can easily be reached. This is reversed in the spring.
Second, at the beginning of each year, I turn all the hangers in my closet backwards. By the fall the majority of the hangers have changed position. Those hangers still hanging backwards represent outfits that I have not worn in ten months. Most of these outfits are placed in a bag to find a new home at the rummage shop. Again, sentimentality can intrude. Once more, organization tips and tricks can help with this.
One Thing In One Thing Out
Recently, we implemented a one thing in one thing out rule. For every item purchased or gifted, another item needs to leave the house. This simple rule is helping reduce clutter. Since it is unlikely we will ever move again we need to address clutter creep. In the past, moving equaled purging. Staying in one place means a huge build up in items.
Now, before I buy something, I think about what can leave the house in place of the new item. Sentiment can give way easier if you keep this in mind. There is some flexibility. A new dress does not mean an old one must be deleted, just some item.
Charitable organizations reap the benefits from this organization trick. Books are donated to the public library, clothing to the rummage store and other items to the church yard sale. Thus my organization tips and tricks benefit the community and remove clutter from the house.
Progress is reached in the closet and the kitchen. If anyone has any tips or tricks for the laundry room please share. That small space is next on the list!
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