Deerproofing Your Yard & Garden Book Review

Deerproofing Your Yard & Garden

As regular readers of Econogal know, deer like to take refuge in my yard. Others can read about one often seen three-legged deer by clicking here. At this time I am working on deer proofing my new raised row garden. So, I checked a book on deer proofing a garden out of the library.

Rhonda Massingham Hart has written an excellent guide, Deerproofing Your Yard & Garden. The book discusses the problem of deer overpopulation. Also, the chapter “Getting to Know Deer” gives a background on the dominant species and where they roam in the United States. Hart includes a discussion on damages done by deer ranging across the yard. I learned much from this particular chapter.

The second half of Deerpoofing Your Yard & Garden focuses on deterring deer. “Deer-o-scaping” “Deer Deterrents” and “The Deerproof Garden” are three chapters chock full of useful information. These are the chapters I utilized the most.


The almost forty pages of “Deer-o-Scaping” focused on ways to deter deer by what and how you plant. The chapter includes multiple lists of plants which either lure or repel deer. For those in the United States, the lists of deer resistant plants divide into regions of the country. Hart warns that the lists, while working in a general manner, can be challenged by a deer with independent tastes. Thus, just like humans, some deer are exceptions to the rule.

This chapter goes beyond what is planted. How things are planted also comes into play. The overall landscape design is also key. Hart suggests using hardscapes at entrance points to discourage deer. Currently, new walls are being constructed in our yard to disrupt the migratory paths of deer.

Deer Deterrents

The chapter “Deer Deterrents” while not confined to repellents, provides an excellent guide to both commercial and homemade mixtures. One trick I plan to try is the use of fabric softener sheets hanging in the garden. I like the idea of recycling these sheets in this manner.

Of course the best way to deer proof a yard is with fencing. But the fence should be designed with deer in mind. Since deer can jump quite high, extra measures need to be taken. Deerproofing Your Yard & Garden gives a good overview of fencing options. These include double fencing and electric fencing.

I believe Deerproofing Your Yard & Garden is an excellent reference book. Anyone having problems with deer should consult Hart’s book. I used several ideas including the tip to erect the fence before planting. If you have deer problems, find this book and read it!

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