Rainy Day on the Plains

Today it is a rainy day on the plains. The weather has been gray with off and on showers. Some rain is a light pitter-patter mixed with occasional down pours more like the coastal rains of my childhood. We have had so few days of total rain. So I am soaking up the rain figuratively while my gardens are enjoying the literal aspect.

Inside Activities

The rainy day calls for inside activities. Household chores are ever at the ready as is catching up on reading and quilting. About the only thing not on the table is baking. The humidity tends to throw off my baking whether it is bread or sweets such as brownies or a cake. Many times an August rain will disrupt the bakers competing at the county fairs.

But to be truthful, I have spent a bit of time out on the porches-or during the down pours-tucked inside watching and enjoying this rainy day. This occurs when you grow up in an area with  a 50 inch rainfall and move to a locale that averages only 15 inches a year. You miss the rain.

Hand quilting is a good activity for a rainy day. One can look up from the tiny stitches from time to time without missing out or making a critical error. The cool air blowing in from the porch windows is mitigated by the quilt layers.

Rainy Day Benefits

One of the best benefits is not needing to water for a day or two. Or even three if it rains all day. Conservation of water is critical in this part of the world. Every bit of rain helps.

The moisture also helps with the weeding. Even the big garden that has few weeds will sprout one or two now. But they will be easy to pull since the ground will not be hard packed from the drought.

Best of all, this rainy day on the plains will help the farmers. The wheat has been harvested so the rain is falling at an advantageous time. Corn, milo, and sorghum will shoot up overnight. And this deep soaking rain will help prepare the soil for the next winter wheat crop.

Falling rain on a garden and driveway

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