February 2025 Wrap-Up

Frigid February

Not many posts were uploaded in February 2025. The frigid weather drove me inside and downstairs into the quilt room. I am still working on the same bargello quilt with it’s over 3000 squares. It will be beautiful once finished.

Dreaming of the Vegetable Garden

Early in the month before the bitter cold arrived a few seeds were planted in the warmest, sunniest spot in the garden. In the past I have had luck planting before a light snow. So, the predicted cold front was not a concern.

However, a week after the gentle blanket protected the seeds, a second front stormed in. Thirty-mile an hour winds brought in a heavier snow and below freezing temperatures for a solid week. Furthermore, on two nights the temperature dropped below zero (Fahrenheit.) The worst of the weather was a solid week without sunshine. February 2025 proved to be colder than past February’s.

I doubt much will sprout from those early seeds. And since the end of the month is here and no crocuses have sprung through the ground, I will wait before planting any more seeds outside.

February 2025- In the Quilt Room

The quilt I am working on is the most difficult one I have ever attempted. Lots of sewing followed by small bits of “un-sewing.” The process is complex. Twenty strips sewn together followed by crosscut strips. Those strips are taken apart and sewn in alternating combinations.  The colors range from off white to teals and finish in blues so dark they almost look black. There is enough completed that it is easy to see the finished project will be stunning.

Thus, writing took a bit of a back seat.

February 2025-In the Library

Occasionally I finish the day with some light reading. I have enjoyed a couple of Lorena McCourtney novels that blend cozy mysteries with Christian Fiction. I will review the latest Mac and Ivy. It was just released. The other novel dated back to the turn of the century so a search of your local library for other works by Ms. McCartney is highly recommended.

Celebrating a Fortieth Anniversary

My 40th wedding anniversary was this past week, and we celebrated by going to the only restaurant in town that features steaks. Options are limited in a town of 7500. Furthermore, as long-time readers know, we live in the biggest town in a one-hundred-mile radius. Choices are a plethora of fast-food restaurants serving the highway travelers and a smattering of Mom-and-Pop places. No Big Box chains here.

We look forward to a family celebration in the near future with all of our kids. And a little warmer weather would be nice too.

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