Many Reasons to Read

From Entertainment to Gaining Knowledge

There are many reasons to read ranging from entertainment to gaining knowledge. And there are many types of books, articles and blogs to choose from. Plus, “reading” can be done via listening. Think of young children listening to stories at bedtime.

One of the icebreakers I used at the start of the fall semester was to ask each student what book they read most recently. Occasionally, a student would not have read a book just for fun in many years. Others were clearly readers for entertainment purposes. I found a strong correlation between students who read for fun and those students who gained much from the texts used in the classroom. (This was before the push to eliminate textbooks.)

My Many Reasons to Read

Regular readers of this blog know one of the key reasons I read is my hope to stave off memory loss. In 2013 I realized my mom was having memory issues because she could not finish any fiction books. So, this spring when I kept returning library books partially read, I became concerned.

Fortunately, my fears were unfounded. After struggling with new releases, I borrowed paperbacks from a family member. Two were by often read author David Baldacci and a third was a Stuart Woods. All three were read in timely fashion. They were fun reads.

Knowledge comes from reading. One is never too old to learn. Although I will admit learning about new technologies is difficult. Wrapping my brain around AI is one example. But the knowledge gained aids in investment decision making. Actually, in any decision making.

Reading Formats

Hardcover books are my preference. Paperbacks tend to have a smaller font. Online reading causes eyestrain for me. Even when reading with the blue light lenses. However, many of my family members prefer to read online. Everything from the newspaper to the latest beach read can be found online.

Of the many reasons to read online, convenience is at the top of the list. The Libby app allows you to check-out books online in less than the time needed to drive to the local library. As a bonus, library fines are non-existent as the app automatically returns the book on the due date.

Converting Non-Readers into Readers

Mastering reading is one of the most important tools for life. However, reading does not come easy for everyone. When working with children, it is important to find a genre that encourages the skill. The same holds true for adults.

Then, once a mastery of reading is complete reading across genres and delivery methods provides everything from entertainment to a gain in knowledge. These many reasons to read develop well-rounded, intelligent and thoughtful members of society. We need more readers in this world to produce the critical thinking that keeps the negatives of history from repeating.

I challenge each of you to read for at least an hour this weekend.

Willow Book Review

Coloring Outside the Lines

Willow, a delightful children’s story is penned by Denise Brennan-Nelson and Rosemarie Brennan and illustrated by Cyd Moore. The book is perfect to read aloud to pre-K and the early grades and will also be a favorite of kids who have mastered reading.

The story brings multiple messages to the audience. Creativity is front and center. But kindness and acceptance are woven in as key elements.

Willow the Main Character

Even free-spirited Willow gets the shivers from dour art teacher Miss Hawthorn from time to time. However, Willow loves art. So, nothing and nobody keeps her from expressing herself. She uses her favorite art history book as her back-up.

Unfortunately, the rest of the kids in the classroom adhere to the strict dictates of their art teacher. Of course this creates a uniformity in the art room. Not what one would like to see in a subject based on creativity.

Kindness and Acceptance

Willow is not only creative; she is also kind. At Christmas time she gifts her beloved art book to Miss Hawthorn. The book is the only present the stern teacher receives. And the gesture of acceptance has a profound affect.

Miss Hawthorne sits in the empty school turning the pages of the well-loved book and a change comes from within. By the time the kids return after the Christmas break a major change has taken place.

Recommendation for Willow

Willow was released in 2008 by Sleeping Bear Press, a favorite publisher. The authors wrote a wonderful story. One that encompasses individuality, acceptance and kindness. Art is a subject that calls for individualism and self-expression. Grapes can be green or purple and apples can be blue.

Cyd Moore divinely illustrates the transformation of Miss Hawthorne. And her classroom. I loved the creativity of the story book pictures. Moore conveys the words of Brennan and Brennan-Nelson with ease and expertise.

This book is a great gift. I highly recommend.

Blowin’ in the Wind

Spring Weather

This time of year, everything is blowin’ in the wind. Dirt and pollen and pollen and dirt. And that’s just the normal wind. Unfortunately, spring weather also brings in tornadic activity. So, now is time to review some emergency preparedness. Here on the high plains one of the greatest dangers is blowing dirt. Farmers, just like other occupations range in abilities. Fortunately, good stewards of the land incorporate practices to keep fields from blowin’ in the wind. For example, farmers can leave stubble and plant cover crops.

No Till Farming

Long ago, leaving stubble in the field was considered lazy. Now the technique is known as no till and actually has many benefits. Edward H. Faulkner posited the theory in his work Plowman’s Folly released in 1943. Thus, the text is a reaction to the Dust Bowl Days of the 1930s. Tillage is thought to be a main contributor to loss of topsoil. And loss of topsoil means dirt flying through the air.

Blowing dirt is extremely dangerous for those travelling through farm country in the spring. Even Interstate and divided highways can be shut down from loss of visibility due to flying dirt. But most dangerous are the two-lane highways used as alternates. Unfortunately, fatal crashes occur.

Blowin’ in the Wind

Gale force winds not only blow dirt, but also bring down tree branches and entire trees. In turn, the trees can bring down power lines or block roadways. Unfortunately, a repercussion of downed power lines is the potential to spark a wildfire.

Now as a precaution, high winds in areas with trees and above ground power lines translates into electric companies turning off power for hours at a time. When these hours stretch into a day or more, businesses and homeowners suffer consequences. About the only thing you can do about power loss is to have a back-up generator.

Tornadic Activity

In my opinion the worst part of the spring season is the tornadoes that epitomize blowin’ in the wind. Entire towns can disappear if the cyclone is wide enough and strong enough. The destruction is incredible. Survivors can be haunted the rest of their lives.

Emergency preparedness measures for tornadoes can be accessed from the FEMA website by clicking here. Keys to preparedness include weather radios, safe rooms, basements and common sense. The funnel cloud I videoed was almost five miles distant and moving away. Any closer and I would not have captured it. If the radio says seek shelter, do it now.

In our county last year, a farm family received a reverse 911 call telling them they were in the bull’s eye of a tornado. They retreated to the basement. After the storm everything was gone. Don’t fool with Mother Nature, seek shelter when you are in the direct path of one of these storms. So, sign up for reverse 911 calls. Even cell phones can receive these messages.

Prepare for More Blowin’ in the Wind

Severe storms go hand in hand with the season. Fortunately, my corner of the world has not revisited the straight line 100 M.P.H. winds from a few years ago…at least so far this year. I am prepared for power outages and debris clean-up from wind damage, are you?

April 2024 Wrap-Up

Here and Gone

April 2024 sneaked by like a bandit on a mission. The month was productive in many ways although writing wasn’t one. Life goes on and efforts will be redoubled re: writing and posting. Fortunately, the gardening and quilting provided balance to the business at hand.

Return Trip to Cañon City

Early on in the month was a return trip to Cañon City, Colorado. This southern mountain town is loaded with charm as highlighted last summer in this post. And while I did spend much of my time indoors and in meetings, I also enjoyed a visit to a new to me winery; Bugling Elk Vinyard and Winery. The owners have quite a story and I encourage any readers passing near Penrose, Colorado to stop by and hear it.

Listening to the Oak Tree

The High Plains is notorious for late freezes and April 2024 was ushered in with temperatures in the teens. But my Bur Oak has leafed out. In almost 30 years, this tree popping forth new leaves means spring is here. And frost is banished for the summer. Perhaps this changing climate will trick both me and the oak, however I am ready to gamble. And once before the oak did leaf out in April.

This past weekend I planted my tomatoes and peppers, as well as cantaloupe and many flowers and herbs. Temperatures range from mid-forties to low sixties as lows for the next ten days. So, after a month of harvesting asparagus, I am turning the calendar on the vegetable garden. Most all the future spears will be left to grow into fern bearing stalks and the bulk of the harvest will be romaine lettuce and the early herbs such as chives and parsley. And don’t forget the mint.

A nice patch of mint at the far end of Row 1 in the Big Garden is ready to mash into the bottom of refreshing mint juleps. Currently the mint is competing with some prickly pear cactus to anchor the base of the garden. Both will be kept in check as spread can take over the rows.

April 2024 in the Quilt Room

Two space themed baby quilts are shaping up nicely. I have mixed flannel with cotton which makes things a little tricky to seam together. At times the fabric slips. Once again straight pins come to the rescue. Look for pictures of the completed tops in May.

April 2024 Wrap-Up

Finally, my dad’s house is under contract. Our family is pleased that another family will soon make a wonderful house their home. We will retain many memories while letting go of the brick and mortar.

Derby Hats, Mint Juleps, Derby Pie and Bourbon Balls: Are You Ready for Derby 150?

A Longstanding Tradition

Derby hats are out of storage, a few sprigs of mint peak above the ground, I am getting ready for the 150th running of the Kentucky Derby. On my to do list is to browse through my copy of Racing to the Table and start thinking about my racing picks. Handicapping the Derby is difficult in part due to the expanded field of 20.

Pix Shoes of Louisville

Many of my derby hats are bought at Pix Shoes in downtown Louisville. In addition to an abundance of shoes in widths narrow to wide, this great shop carries a plethora of hats and fascinators. If you are headed to the big race and don’t have a hat yet, make your way to 201 S. Preston Street. A treat for the eyes is inside!

Owners and employees go out of their way to help you match a hat to an outfit. And if you have time to shop for clothes as well, I will let you in on a secret: Buy the derby hat first, and then find an outfit to go with it.

Fascinators for 2024

My choices for this year’s Oaks and Derby Days are fascinators, both bought at Pix. A Kelly-green jacket atop a navy dress will pair perfectly with the navy fascinator highlighted with Kelly-green embellishments. The other fascinator will be perfect headgear for a blush and lace dress. The clothes complement the derby hats.


Derby hats hanging on an antique hall tree

Derby Hats

Anyone fortunate to attend the race in person will tell you how ornate the hats can be. And the men can really get into the celebration! I once saw a man wearing a replica of the racetrack complete with the Twin Spires of Churchill Downs. And others wearing horse heads as hats. Personally, I prefer the traditional looks of straw summer hats. No matter your tastes, the entire weekend is a spectacle.

Derby Menu

Those of you watching from home, I highly recommend buying or finding a copy of Racing to the Table. Click here for my review from a few years ago. The food and the beverages are a big part of hosting a party. Sweets top the list for me. I love derby pies and could easily pop a half-dozen or so bourbon balls in my mouth. But make sure to include heartier fare as well.

In addition to mint juleps, consider serving Oaks Lillies. I don’t particularly care for vodka, but the cranberry juice, lime and triple sec mixed in make for a delightfully fresh cocktail. Click here for a Southern Living recipe of this gem.

150 Years of Tradition

An event surviving over a century is remarkable in this age of forgetting history. Furthermore, celebrations are moments in time honoring traditions lucky enough to survive the ebbs and flows of life. I don’t know how many thousands will descend upon Churchill Downs and Louisville, Kentucky next week (weather will play a factor) but I do hope the celebration will be a joyful and responsible one. Enjoy your derby hats, parties and food and for those attending in person- safe travels.

Backseat to Life

Absence of Posts

From time to time my writing takes a backseat to life. This is the case for my recent absence. After four years of searching, we found a mountain retreat. Trying to get things set up in our home away from home takes time. Learning to deal with a different set of wildlife will take even more time.

Other things popped up as well. We were finally able to get my dad’s house on the market after a lengthy probate. We are coming up on the one-year anniversary of his unexpected death. Anyone in the Central Florida region looking for a house with good bones, and with recent improvements of the big-ticket items such as a new roof and just needing a little love to make it your own can click here.

Prioritizing Commitments

One of the biggest time commitments which caused the blogging to take a backseat to life was the planning of a Zonta International Area meeting. The meeting took place in Beautiful Cañon City and featured two wonderful women speaking on inner growth.

Cris Lindsay is known as the Happiness Coach. Her three breakout sessions keyed on the importance of balancing a hectic work-life and making time for yourself. Her interactive sessions provided many stress-reducing techniques.

Dr. Barbara Ann Jacques provided the keynote during the luncheon. The importance of time remained a key theme. She expanded with a self-evaluation using three Vs; vision, value, and vibration. Worksheets guided the participants through the process. The group of professional women were open to exploring the concept of utilizing time for oneself as a means to expand each ones impact on the world around us.

In the Library

Throw in a dislike of a few of the recent books I’ve read, and the situation gets dire. The last two books I read were non-fiction and business related. The first was a guide to developing leaders and it was ok, just dry and made leaders seem self-centered. The second was an economics booked hailed on the back cover as the best theory since John Maynard Keynes tome The General Theory of Employment, Interest, and Money. It was not. My back cover blurb would have read: Utopian at best, veiled socialism/communism at worst.

Gardening takes a Backseat to Life

An even greater problem was a deep freeze of 15 degrees just as the first asparagus popped up. No gardening pictures and few spring blooms. In fact, the mountain retreat has more daffodils in bloom than the homestead on the high plains. Not sure how that happened.

No More Backseat

Fortunately for my writing, running the recent conference for 40 attendees was the finale to my two-year term. My organizational management skills were well used. Now it is time to polish the writing skills.

The Spy Coast Book Review

Retired Spies

As a retiree, the blurb on the back cover of The Spy Coast spoke to me. A gang of former agents in their sixties at least, combine efforts to aid one of their own. Tess Gerritsen’s writing compels the reader to keep turning the pages. The novel is fast paced, and the storyline is intriguing. It took just three days for our household to read through the action-adventure.

Locations Featured in The Spy Coast

The story opens in Paris and covers the world-Southeast Asia, Italy and the coastal part of Maine, U.S.A. are just a few locations. A more exact locale of the spy coast is Purity, Maine, a small village home to lobstermen, farmers, seasonal tourists and spies. Protagonist Maggie Bird moved to the quaint town two years ago and was finally making a home after years on the run following a disastrous operation which cost lives of innocent-including her unwitting husband.

The descriptions of each location make the reader feel as if they are personally experiencing each place. Gerritson has a knack of bringing the background to life. In turn, the realistic settings bring a reality to the fiction.

The Spy Coast Protagonist

Maggie Bird at sixty is the youngest of the retirees. She may have been on the sideline for a while but her skills are not rusty. She easily out-maneuvers Jo Thibodeau a homebred member of the Purity police department who is tenacious toward her duties. Maggie also gets the one-up on her fellow agency retirees when the going gets dangerous. But she faces an unknown and powerful opponent.


The agency in Virginia is breached and info about the operation gone wrong is delivered into the hands of one seeking revenge. Maggie, an unwilling field agent in the op in question, is compromised. If she does not find where the threat is coming from she will need to run again. Something she is reluctant to do since finding peace and an opportunity for a new life among former friends and new ones.

As bodies drop all over the place, Maggie’s neighbors and friends are pulled into the mystery. The protagonist is unwilling to share the details of the bitter past. Then, the teenager next door is kidnapped as a bargaining chip. Find a copy to discover what happens next.


Without disclosing too much of the story, The Spy Coast is one of the most satisfying books read in 2024. Good overcomes evil and yes there are many shades of gray. Tess Gerritsen is the best-selling author of the Rizzoli and Isles series and potentially has another series on her agenda. Look for future books featuring the retired spies and their Martini Club. Buy or borrow The Spy Coast if you love a good read. Our family could not put it down.



The Leprechaun in the Basement Book Review

Holiday Reading for Kids

Artwork from The Leprechaun in the basement showing Michael waking up in bed to new green baseball shoes.Kathy Tucker wrote, and John Sandford illustrated The Leprechaun in the Basement. I checked it out from my local library which always displays holiday themed books just prior to the celebratory day. The book dates back to before the turn of the century but the theme is timeless. A quick search of the Internet yielded prices from three dollars to sixty dollars online. Or you could check your local library.

O’Leary the Leprechaun

O’Leary is an old leprechaun. He lives in a basement and spends his days counting his gold. Once upon a time he had another occupation, but he no longer remembers what job he held. So, sometimes he gets a wee bit bored.

Michael Discovers the Leprechaun

St. Patrick’s Day is not a happy day for the McKeever family. Mr. McKeever is out of work. After hunting for a job all day, he has no energy to play catch with his son Michael. Things are spiraling downhill. Money is tight and reserved for necessities. Michael’s baseball shoes from last year will need to suffice for this season as well.

Performing a chore, Michael happens upon O’Leary singing an Irish tune in honor of the day. He also discovers the pot of gold…gold that could help his family. Cross words are exchanged and Michael stomps upstairs. Both Michael and O’Leary have much to think about.

Fairy Tale Tradition

Much like the fairy tales of old, The Leprechaun in the Basement delivers moral messages. Both Michael and O’Leary learn from their argument. Another missive is given with regards to Michael’s despondent father. All-in-all, the book delivers a meaningful story beneficial to kids and adults.


I enjoyed reading this short tale exploring the real important things in life. Kathy Tucker writes a compelling children’s book, and John Sandford’s illustrations bring the characters to life. The story is appropriate for kids from toddler age to late grade school. Search your library for a copy before the upcoming St. Patrick’s Day.


February 2024 Wrap-Up

Leap Year

Another Leap Day is upon us as we wrap-up February 2024. Leap years coincide with United States of America Presidential Elections. Thus, once primaries roll in, one knows to add a day to February. On an added note, Happy Birthday to all those out there celebrating on their day for the first time since 2020. Hopefully 2024 will be a more positive year.

February 2024 In the Garden

Since February is a short month, accomplishments can seem thin. However, in between snows, time was spent in the garden pruning grape vines and prepping beds. The fluctuation in temperatures is difficult to work with and I have heard of some peach trees trying to bud out. Fortunately, mine are behaving. No crocuses yet, but some of the grass is beginning to green. And like a summer rain, after the snow melt the air smells crisp and clean.

February 2024 In the Library

Multiple trips to the public library have yielded good reading and in one case a re-read. Spring cleaning is not that far away so I re-checked out The Home Edit. I am limiting myself to just four check-outs per time in an effort to stay focused.

Wrapping Up an Estate

Much of February 2024 focused on gathering the necessary tax documents in order to file my father’s last tax return. Some sadness weaves into my daily activities as his sudden death made a few things messier than I think he intended. But, of course most of don’t know when our time is up.

So, the remainder of 2024, I am going to try to really organize my affairs. I hope to have multiple decades ahead but life and death happens.

The estate process is quite lengthy even when not much money is involved. My advice is to prepare as much as possible in advance and keep your house in order- both literally and figuratively.

The Edge Book Review


Book cover showing man standing at the edge of a cliff looking down,The Edge is David Baldacci’s follow up to The 6:20 Man. Protagonist Travis Devine returns stateside and is deployed to investigate the murder of a CIA operative. Jenny Silkwell was the daughter of a retired Senator from Maine. Thus, Devine and the reader travel to Maine.

As a sequel, The Edge retains the same sense of action-suspense. Devine is a complex character and definitely one of the good guys. Murder and mayhem just happen to follow in his wake. However, the mystery of “whodunit” really wasn’t hard to determine. Fortunately, the mystery was tertiary to the story after the action and the emotional evolvement of the female interest.

The Silkwell Family

Devine’s investigation is complicated by the various personalities of the Silkwell family. The former Senator is at an unresponsive stage in a memory care facility, and his wife has remarried and is estranged from her children. Her input ties to seeing the eldest right before the murder.

The surviving children are a son Dak, and a younger daughter Alex. Dak had received an Other Than Honorable discharge from the Army and Alex is a shell of the girl she once was. The murder of their older sister weighs on both.

Series Development

The Edge certainly acts as a vehicle for developing Devine’s personality. As the second in a series, the book moves beyond introducing the character and his back story. Baldacci uses the wounded Alex Silkwell to demonstrate the caring and compassion of Devine.

Furthermore, the account of the young woman grips the reader as she struggles to remember details of her vicious rape and assault as a teenager. The story line of the talented artist conveys the harsh realities women live with years after an assault occurs. One wonders if she will re-appear in future books given the large role she played in The Edge.

The Edge Recommendation

I enjoyed The Edge even more than The 6:20 Man which I read a year ago. Baldacci is one of those authors that churns out book after book while retaining the reader’s interest. This is a great book to borrow from the library or grab at an airport bookstore. However, a warning for assault victims or their loved ones- Alex Silkwell’s story is very realistic and may be too much for those dealing with their own PTSD.

Survive and Thrive Book Review

Catchy Subtitle

The tag line of Survive and Thrive: How to Prepare for any Disaster Without Ammo, Camo or Eating Your Neighbor caught my attention while perusing the new releases at the library. Bill Fulton and Jeanne Chilton Devon teamed together to write this disaster preparedness how to book. Since spring weather is prone to severe weather and the disasters that accompany it, I checked it out. For the most part the authors stick to their promise. However, there is a small section on ammo and camo. No cannibalism though!

The advice is proactive and non-doomsday. Initial chapters focus on the need to go beyond the government’s three-day preparedness guidelines. And the authors point out that the vast majority of households have at least a week’s worth of food on hand. The first chapters focus on building specific supplies to extend to more than a two-week cache.

Water and Food to Survive and Thrive

A good explanation of the need for uncontaminated water starts the book. Both authors bring an environmentalist approach and prefer larger storage containers to single use bottles. One of the key features is Appendix B which recommends companies and products.

The next two chapters focus on food. First, what types of food to store and how to safely store long-term food. Then a chapter on how to forage for food. Foraging for food is not an everyday event for this blogger as I can count on one hand the times I have come across plants in the wild. (Actually, twice in major cities-Portland, Oregon is rife with blackberries and strawberry plants dot downtown Louisville, Kentucky.)

Farming and micro-gardens finish out this section. A comprehensive look at everything from container gardens to compost piles reminds one of a good gardening book. Like the other chapters, the authors end the chapter with questions to answer and lists to consider.

Organization and the Three S’s

The middle three chapters offer a plethora of tips on organization, shelter, safety and security. This information offers a lot of common-sense tips that are not often followed. And then there is more.

Organizational hints in Survive and Thrive mirror those found in both The Home Edit and Lose the Clutter, Lose the Weight. Emphasis is put on organization as a de-stressor during emergencies. No need to hunt for necessary items if evacuating is key.

Knowing how and where to shut off the utilities is very important. Most people can flip an electric breaker. Finding the shut-off valves for water and gas is just as important and may require a special tool. The authors provide multiple tips in this area.

The safety and security section brings a bit of doom and gloom to Survive and Thrive. But the authors are not doomsday in their approach to security issues. Again, common sense and specialized gear are mixed in the advice.

Security issues discussed are applicable for every day life and not just during disasters. However, as pointed out in the book, stressful times can bring out the ugliness of life.


The most comprehensive chapter in Survive and Thrive covers a host of disasters, both natural and man-made. Climate change is addressed as well. From blizzards to wildfires and everything in between, Survive and Thrive details the planning and action steps that need to occur. The first step is knowing what types of disaster your home is prone to experiencing.

Even though one plans and prepares, the actual experience of each type of disaster is a learning process. Mistakes will occur. Again, many suggestions and lists to follow. Everyone will benefit from reading this particular chapter. I have lived through blizzards, heat waves, earthquakes, hurricanes and a pandemic and I still found the information very valuable.

Recommendation for Survive and Thrive

Bill Fulton and Jeanne Chilton Devon have penned a thoroughly marvelous how-to book. This reference book is a must read no matter what part of the country you live in. Common sense through out and a very different take than survivalist prepper books. The final chapter on mental well-being sums up the theme. I highly recommend this book.

Important Things in Life

Top Three

Three items top the list of what I think is important to learn in life. First is reading. Once a child can read the door is open to academia and every day how-to instructions. The second is swimming. Even for those far away from the ocean. Finally, everyone needs to learn how to cook. Did the last two surprise you?

Reading is Most Important

As a parent, I stressed the importance of reading and thus books. Bookshelf wealth is now a thing, but our house has always had a plethora of books. Children’s books, cook books, gardening books, novels and how-to books and many, many text books fill a multitude of bookshelves.

My belief is once reading is mastered, any skill or subject matter could be learned. One can literally become a jack or jill of all trades. Instructional books abound and of course every subject taught in school can be learned if one feels the subject is important.


My parents prioritized learning to swim before I even started kindergarten. We lived in Florida and water was everywhere! The Red Cross lessons taught floating and diving in addition to several basic swim strokes. In turn, I also felt swim lessons were important even though my kids lived on the high plains and not a hundred yards or so from the Atlantic Ocean.

My insistence that they learned was based on a tragedy from my junior high years. A classmate lost her youngest brother when the preschooler drowned in a neighbor’s pool. Bodies of water are everywhere. Swimming, floating and treading water are necessary skills for everybody.

Cooking is Important Too

Hopefully times have changed enough that learning to cook is important for all. However, I belong to a generation where many males grill burgers and steaks and not much else. Fortunately, my in-laws taught all their kids to cook, and I am married to a man that could be a master chef if he wanted to change careers.

I do not remember the age my kids were when they first started fixing food for themselves. But they needed chairs to reach the counter or the stove top. It was quite important to supervise them in the early years.

Now my grandchildren are picking up skills in the kitchen. All three have multi-functional furniture called learning towers or kitchen helpers depending on the manufacturer. These cool pieces can act as a chair and table/desk when on the side or serve as a very sturdy stepstool when standing on end. The sides provide extra support when they are helping in the kitchen either cooking or at the sink.

The oldest helps grandpa make scones and grandma make brownies. Cooking skills are important to develop from an early age. We just make sure we also emphasize safety.

Enjoying a snack at the kitchen counter.
Learning Tower is in the background.

Basic Skills

Reading, swimming, and cooking are all basic skills. However, each is critically important for living a full healthy and happy life. At first glance all could be placed toward the bottom of Maslow’s Hierarchy. Yet each offers an individual a chance to grow toward the pinnacle of self-actualization. Hence, they are important things for all to master.

We Must Not Think of Ourselves Book Review


A recent trip to the public library yielded We Must Not Think of Ourselves by Lauren Grodstein. Historical fiction, especially any involving World War II interests me. Mostly because I fear a repeat. Those who refuse to learn from history tend to repeat its’ sorrows.

Grodstein’s novel offers a glimpse of life inside the Warsaw Ghetto through the eyes of protagonist Adam Paskow and his journal. He was recruited by Emanuel Ringelblum to participate in the Oneg Shabbat. Both Ringelblum and the Oneg Shabbat existed. For more information on the group, click here.

Protagonist of We Must Not Think of Ourselves

The story unfolds from Paskow’s point of view. Journal entries and flashbacks build the history. Paskow explains what has long been a mystery. Why did so many remain in the year between the German invasion and the relocation to the Ghetto? Why the acquiescence?

Adam Paskow is a teacher and a non-practicing Jew. And a widower. He still visits his wife’s grave and finds comfort in the surroundings they shared. He stays behind in 1938 when the rest of his immediate family relocates to Palestine. Then, it is too late to go.

Paskow is an appealing character even though the detention wears down his morals. He becomes the lover of a woman who shares an apartment with him. Her husband, two children and another family also squeeze into the same small space.


We Must Not Think of Ourselves offers much to the reader. Well researched, the backdrop of the ghetto and its’ inhabitants shares the story of how genocide builds slowly and then happens all at once. The book highlights the importance of documentation. Without historical records, history can be forgotten or even worse-rewritten.

This reader has mixed reactions to the love story. In some ways, the relationship is believable and needed for the ending. However, conducting an affair in such close quarters…this stretches the imagination. Surely there would be more scenes of tension.

Recommendation for We Must Not Think of Ourselves

I found the novel well written and informative. A check-out from your library or an addition to your personal library is highly recommended. Individual cultures and ethnicities are still threatened today. Indeed, the cultural clashes are as responsible for today’s wars and disagreements as the age-old cause of war-land and resources. If world peace is ever to occur, this hatred and fear of those different or merely from different backgrounds must cease.

January 2024 Wrap-Up

Time Flies

January 2024 is at end. Since I am still coping with the aftermath of 2023, the time passed quite quickly. No travel to speak of since I spent every night at home. So, what was accomplished? Lots of reading. Three books reviewed with a fourth review due out in time for the weekend. Many football games watched since a family favorite team is headed to the Super Bowl. Finally, lots of hand quilting.

Snow storms, blizzards and weather in the mid-sixties made for a crazy month and it looks like the erratic pattern will continue in February. Growing up in Florida, there did not seem to be such wild weather. But perhaps I did not notice. Children have other priorities.

Random Thoughts from January 2024

  • If two old men stay healthy, it looks like we will have a re-match of the 2020 Presidential elections. On the Republican side there will be a new V.P, what about on the Democrat side? Most importantly-do costly elections eliminate younger candidates? Furthermore, why do candidates drop out before or after just one primary? Is the money machine that great?
  • Are pro ball games rigged? The Haters seem to think so.
  • After reading Lauren Grodstein’s We Must Not Think of Ourselves, I wonder if Americans would leave the country if taken over by fascists or communists? Actually, would the inhabitants of any modern country?
  • Why is it so hard for a nobody to become published? I’ve certainly read books that were just so-so and yet published, not self-published. In fact, I have read self-published books that were better than those going the traditional route. Perhaps Amazon deserves a thank you after all.


I read a handful of bloggers on a regular basis. Their content is varied but I enjoy what they write and learn many things. What continues to surprise me is how often I am contacted by others to write articles on subjects that are important to them. Even if I share their viewpoint, I do not feel compelled to “speak” for them.

This last week of January 2024, a different request appeared in my mailbox. The young men wanted to write a column on health and wellness. They sent a link to their own website and no, I did not click on it. But I did search and find the blog. It is a credible blog. So, why not just post there? What happened to independent thinking?

Looking Forward

I am successfully growing indoor herbs for the first winter ever. Basil, Rosemary and Thyme have been harvested from their containers throughout this long winter. Even better, the ginger roots brought back from my parents’ house are growing as well. Now the trick will be to repot so they can grow to full size. The blooms have an incredible fragrance.

February will see the first of the seed starts. The forecast for this week is above average in temperature so winter pruning and clean-up can commence. This is a good time to prune the grape vines and cut off the tops of the dead plants in the garden. It may look like lazy farming, but leaving the plants in the ground helps fight against erosion from the wind.

Finally, the blizzard knocked down some fencing and it is time to repair again. Fortunately, the damage was to the deer fencing and not the heavy- duty privacy fencing like in previous years.

Hidden Potential Book Review

Another Winner from Adam Grant

Hidden Potential: The Science of Achieving Greater Things written by Adam Grant was one of the books I gifted to a family member this past Christmas. Now that I have read the book, more family members will become recipients. I found that much value in the tome.

Grant pens a book that is not an easy read self-help book. In fact, I slogged through some of the early parts. But it was worth the effort. Hidden Potential inspires. I found the work insightful, thought provoking and educational.

Layout of Hidden Potential

The author separates the book into three main sections sandwiched between a prologue and epilogue. Grant grabs the reader’s attention with a tale of successful high school chess players hailing from a high school in Harlem. Then he arrives at the heart of the work. The first section is Skills of Character.  Focus of the unit is on the need to experience setbacks in order to improve and gain success. Key takeaways include operating outside one’s comfort zone, and learning as much as one can from a wide variety of sources and individuals. Perhaps the most difficult for a perfectionist is the notion that excellence and perfection can be polar opposites.

The second segment is Structures for Motivation. Grant introduces the concept of scaffolding. Many educators will be familiar with the concept. Others will benefit from discovering this learning strategy. This section will take work to comprehend.

Finally, Systems of Opportunity provides a blueprint for educators, managers and motivated individuals to follow. This last part of the book offers the greatest motivation. I found Grant’s anecdotes rejuvenating. His theories have merit. The answers to many contemporary problems are out there, we just need to work together to find them. Teamwork is vital.

Recommendation for Hidden Potential

This is the second work from Grant that I have read and reviewed. Option B co-authored with Sheryl Sandberg was just as powerful albeit different in tone. I encourage anyone in education or management to read this book. Furthermore, individuals with a thirst for knowledge will also benefit. Finally, Hidden Potential is the perfect gift for those stuck in a rut or anyone underperforming due to fear of success.


Winter Weather Preparedness

Winter Storm Heather

Bitter cold is sweeping across the United States this weekend. Parts of the country will also experience precipitation, snow in the North and cold rain in the South. Planning and preparedness are critical to riding out Winter Storm Heather.

Most importantly, use common sense. Something that seems in short supply. Don’t travel unless there is no alternative. Cars break down. Electronics fare poorly in low temperatures. So, newer cars are at greater risk. And in sub-zero windy conditions, frostbite can occur in minutes.

Prepare your home before the weather hits. A roof over head with working heat is the key to riding out a storm in comfort. Several important steps prior to the storm hitting are critical to letting you stay warm and toasty inside.

Winter Weather Preparedness on the Road

Hat, scarf, gloves and body warmers are keys to Winter Weather Readiness


Unfortunately, sometimes traveling in poor conditions can’t be avoided. And while preparing ahead of time is not foolproof, it certainly is advisable. Proper car maintenance is the first item on the list.

  1. Check Tire Pressure and Tread

Individual tires vary in required pressure so check the manufacturer’s settings. Tire pressure decreases in cold weather so make sure to adjust for incoming cold weather. Tread depth should be 6/32 or greater.

  1. Windshield Washer Fluid

Make sure the window washer fluid is topped off and can withstand below freezing temperatures. Snow splash back is definitely a problem travelling on highways alongside 18-wheelers and other high profile vehicles.

  1. Extra Emergency Gear
    1. Blankets
    2. Food
    3. Water
    4. Hand, Foot or Body Warmers
    5. Clothing-Coat, Scarf, Gloves, Beanie, Boots

Even though winter weather preparedness gear takes up a lot of room in a vehicle, I insist on all these items before traveling out of town. Each person in the car should have appropriate gear.

These are all minimum requirements. Other items one could include are portable cordless tire inflator pumps, jumper cables (older batteries perform poorly in very cold weather), and snow chains.

Winter Weather Preparedness at Home

Getting ready for the winter season at home starts way in advance of any named storm. Each fall, the furnace needs to be checked. In my case and opinion, this is not a DIY. The only thing I do myself with respect to the HVAC system is regularly change the filters.

  1. Check Furnace
  2. Fireplaces

Those with fireplaces also need to check the flues.

  1. Insulate outdoor hose bibs

I wrap the faucets with bubble wrap and then cover them with a recycled piece of Styrofoam.

  1. Stock the Pantry

Two weeks’ worth of basic supplies is a no brainer to me nor to anyone ever experiencing a blizzard with feet of snow. It takes a while to dig out. Items such as fresh milk will need substitutes such as canned or powdered. Young families need to stock up on essentials like diapers! I still remember the angst of a neighboring family from the Blizzard of 1996. Not only were roads impassable but the grocery stores were closed. At least there were no roof collapses like last year in the California Sierras.


Southern States

Winter weather preparedness is also important in warmer climates. Growing up, I only had light jackets and there were few fireplaces. We certainly did not have one. So, preparations need to alter to fit the climate. Portable generators which may be on hand to combat electrical loss after hurricanes can do double duty in extreme cold. It has only been a few years since Texans experienced a major loss of power due to freezing temperatures impacting energy sources.

Good Neighbors

The most important part of battling weather extremes is looking out for others. Make sure to check on your neighbors in the days before and after an adverse event. We are all in this together. And remember, use common sense. Stay warm!


Fake Famous Book Review

Young Adult

Fake Famous by Dana L. Davis is a delightful novel. A blend between a sweet romance and a coming-of-age novel, the story will appeal to a wide range of readers. Even though the concept of strangers switching identities is not new, Ms. Davis offers a fresh, contemporary take.

This selection is a library check-out. The back cover described a prior Davis novel as a YA or Young Adult. Since I am trying to expand genres in my reviews, I quickly picked up Fake Famous. I am happy I did.

Red Morgan-Star of Fake Famous

Red Morgan is a hard-working Iowa farm girl. Her ginger hair is passed down through a Creole ancestor. The opening scenes depict her loyalty to her family and their farm. Additionally, the author provides glimpses of the difficulties farm families have in making ends meet.

The protagonist hits her 15 minutes of fame when her younger sister’s video goes viral. Red is singing when a fence gives out and she falls into a large pile of manure. She doesn’t miss a beat and poses like the famous diva Zay-Zay Waters. Unbeknownst to Red, Zay-Zay has just dyed her hair red and sees the viral video. And, hatches up a scheme. Zay-Zay needs some alone time.

Fake Famous Plot

Harkening back to Mark Twain’s The Prince and The Pauper, Zay-Zay suddenly appears on the farm with a monetary deal Red can’t pass up. The pop star wants Red to fill her shoes for a week of glamorous appearances. Meanwhile, Zay-Zay will go on a soul-finding retreat. The only catch is Red must interact with Koi Kalawai’a, a fellow singing sensation and boyfriend to Zay-Zay. Except, he’s not.

Apparently Hollywood romances are fake too. But the chemistry between Koi and Red is real and so the complications begin. In addition to romance, Davis provides an insiders look into the lives of the rich and famous. Between the paparazzi and the fakeness, it is a different kind of hard work.


Fake Famous is an enjoyable read. The attraction between Red and Koi moves the story forward as each provides growth for the other. The secondary characters are well-developed and add to the story line. The romance is sweet, and the coming-of-age story is insightful. This is the first novel I have read from Dana Davis, but it won’t be the last. A great novel for young teens to adults.

Lessons in Chemistry Book Review

Chemistry 101

Lessons in Chemistry is a melon-colored book cover with a sketch of a female scientist with a No. 2 pencil sticking out a topknot.Lessons in Chemistry has been out for over a year and I am late to the party of fandom. A Christmas gift from one of my family members and one I treasure. The novel earns a place in the permanent home library. The delay in reading is attributed to the difficult year of 2023. So, I am very appreciative of the book as it is a great start to 2024.

Debut novelist Bonnie Garmus impresses with her wit and the depth of her writing. Depending on the individual reader’s experiences, the soul-searching Lessons in Chemistry will evoke feelings running the gamut from regret to resolve. And many stages in between.

Setting of Lessons in Chemistry

The United States of America, specifically the state of California, with a time period of the late 1950s, early 1960s serves as a backdrop of this delightful novel. Protagonist Elizabeth Zott is a chemist. Unheard of for the time period. Very few women earned science degrees in this era.

She is also a feminist. Author Bonnie Garmus does a great job painting a picture of the early years of women fighting for equality. Some of the obstacles and confrontations remain today. However, it is good to note the positive changes that we take for granted, such as wearing slacks to work and a narrowing wage gap.

Lessons in Chemistry Plot

Zott does not fit in. Yet she finds her soulmate in fellow chemist Calvin Evans. Evans is a misfit. Their relationship is told in retrospect. They share work, home and a dog with the appropriate name of 6:30. Zott is teaching the highly intelligent animal English. Not since Remarkably Bright Creatures, have I been so engaged with anthropomorphism.

Unfortunately, Zott ends up as an unwed single mother. And life begins.

Supporting Characters

Garmus uses a wide cast of characters to tell the story of individuals fulfilling their purpose. In addition to Zott, her daughter Madeline, Harriet Sloane and Miss Frask provide an array of positive female personalities. However, mean girls and women were a thing way back when.

Then there are the men.

Calvin Evans, Pine, Dr. Mason and the preacher Wakely line up on the good side while Donatti, the Bishop, Phil and a few others make you wonder why some men walk the earth. Lessons in Chemistry isn’t just about allowing women to reach their potential. Evil is present in both sexes and Garmus provides examples to ponder.


I found the book to be very entertaining with one particular chapter bringing forth loud laughter. A true paradox since the story itself is bittersweet. And yet I think that piece is intentional. As is the discussion on the role of religion between both Wakely and Evans and Wakely and Zott. Thus, Lessons in Chemistry provides food for thought.


I join many, many others in highly recommending Lessons in Chemistry. A few of us are fortunate enough to have our own E. Zott in the family. For the rest, Garmus has provided a glimpse of such a role model. All youth need encouragement and the chance to grow- physically, mentally and spiritually. This debut novel should be required reading somewhere at the high school level. However, senior year is too late.

Truly this book will be another long-term favorite much like Where the Crawdads Sing.


Dirty Thirty Book Review

Latest in Stephanie Plum Series

Dirty Thirty Book Cover, fuchsia colored with gold necklace of the word thirty.Janet Evanovich’s latest Stephanie Plum novel, Dirty Thirty, is a treat for long-time series fans. The bad guys are really the good guys and plenty of sucker punches for characters and readers alike. Once again Evanovich leaves the reader hanging over a cliff waiting for yet another Plum novel.

Dirty Thirty Plot Line

The focus on this latest series entry is capturing skips. Stephanie, aided by the always colorful Lula, is after a wide range of bail jumpers. Some are dangerous and others hilarious. Furthermore, Stephanie is moonlighting for Martin Plover owner of Plover’s Jewelry store and an apparent victim. He was robbed twice. His request is for the recovery agent to also find his missing security guard.

As usual, things are complicated in the Burg. The missing security guard may have ties to the jewel thief, and they may or may not have the goods. Both these characters will be new to faithful readers.

Returning Characters

Dirty Thirty has a wide host of characters. At times I would mix the new characters up. Fortunately, the supporting cast remains constant-much like an old sitcom. Stephanie’s boyfriend Joe Morelli makes brief appearances but for the most part the romantic tension is sparked by Ranger.

Comic relief is provided by Lula, Grandma Mazur and Bob, Morelli’s shaggy dog. Evanovich is still golden with her quips and actions. Many smiles as well as laughs keep the reader engaged. Not to mention the double entendres all the way through Dirty Thirty. But even the foreshadowing will leave readers (like I was) surprised at the outcomes of the various plot lines. I will have a tough time waiting for the next in the series.

Recommendation for Dirty Thirty

I love this series and this book is no exception. However, I do not see it as a stand-alone. Dirty Thirty will be enjoyed the most by readers engaged in the series. Indeed, the biggest surprise will fly over the head of a reader brand new to the series. So, if you have read previous books featuring Stephanie Plum, this is a shouldn’t skip. If you are a novice, find the original-One for the Money and proceed from there.

Thanks for the entertainment, Ms. Evanovich.

Econogal’s Top Book Selections of 2023

The Best of 2023

The top book selections of 2023 are broken into three categories, fiction, non-fiction and children’s books. The non-fiction selections were few and far between. And the top selection in the category actually hails from late December 2022. But recent events make it imperative to include.

As usual, the fiction list is the most difficult to produce as more than ten vie for just ten spots. And the children fiction list contains holiday specific titles so Christmas buying might not be appropriate. However, books for kids tend to stand the test of time. And at least one is appropriate for gift-giving this holiday season.

Non-Fiction Book Selections of 2023

My top selections in Non-Fiction:

  1. Friends, Lovers, and the Big Terrible Thing by Matthew Perry
  2. Home Grown Herbs-A Complete Guide to Growing, Using and Enjoying More than 100 Herbs by Tammi Hartung
  3. Adrift: America in 100 Charts by Scott Galloway
  4. More Twist-and-Turn Bargello Quilts by Eileen Wright
  5. The Great Displacement: Climate Change and the Next American Migration by Jake Bittle


Of the above books, the most impactful was Friends, Lovers, and the Big Terrible Thing. The reading will be even more poignant in light of the author’s recent death. I consider this an incredibly important read. Both Home Grown Herbs and More Twist-and-Turn Bargello Quilts have become handy reference guides for my hobbies. Clicking on each title will direct you to the individual review.

Children’s Book Selections of 2023

Again, click on the link for the individual review.

  1. Thank You, Omu by Oge Mora
  2. Con Pollo by Jimmy Fallon and Jennifer Lopez
  3. The Great Eggscape! By Jory John
  4. Peyton Picks the Perfect Pie by Jack Bishop
  5. Thanksgiving Here I Come by D.J. Steinberg


The Childrens’ books reviewed in 2023 are all geared toward the younger set. Con Pollo is a board book and the remaining titles are story books for preschoolers through early grade school. All tested and loved by my trio of grandkids.

Fiction Book Selections of 2023

The fiction category always serves as a challenge and the book selections for 2023 could have included top reads such as Livid by Patricia Cornwell. The following books moved me the most. Warning- a few are tear jerkers.

  1. Remarkably Bright Creatures by Shelby Van Pelt
  2. The Escape Artist by Jonathan Freedland
  3. Zero Days by Ruth Ware
  4. Exiles by Jane Harper
  5. Nightwork by Nora Roberts
  6. Dead Mountain by Douglas Preston and Lincoln Child
  7. Good Night, Irene by Luis Alberto Urrea
  8. Bright Lights, Big Christmas by Mary Kay Andrews
  9. The Recovery Agent by Janet Evanovich
  10. The Downstairs Neighbor by Helen Cooper


I made it through my personally horrendous year of 2023 by reading fiction. Some escape in front of the television but I turn to books. The fiction book selections of 2023 list includes a variety of genres. Each individual review can be accessed by clicking on the title of the book. I hope you can find something of interest as well as gift ideas on these lists.

Bright Lights, Big Christmas Book Review

Christmas Time in the City

Cover of Bright Lights, Big City novel featuring outline of city buildings and a string of Christmas lights as a backdrop to title and author name.I found Mary Kay Andrews’ Bright Lights, Big Christmas on the new release table at my local library. The book is perfect for getting one in the mood for Christmas. A heart-warming story of friendship and new love, you won’t want to put it down. In fact, I read it cover to cover even though I started the novel just after supper.

Setting for Bright Lights, Big Christmas

The novel takes place in New York City, specifically the West Village. Each year for decades, the Tolliver family from North Carolina sells their Christmas trees in the same spot. Fixtures of the neighborhood from the Saturday after Thanksgiving until the trees are gone.

However, this year there is a late start. Old Jock Tolliver is ill. His somewhat estranged daughter, Kerry, is roped into helping her older brother. Her brother Murphy is like a stranger. Both are casualties of divorce, each raised by a different parent. However, Kerry and Murphy grudgingly form a bond in a neighborhood known for creating ties. Much of the story focuses on the pair discovering the talents of the other.

Storyline and Characters

Multiple challenges complicate this year’s sales. In addition to the late start, competition has moved in bringing pitfalls. But as the siblings overcome the obstacles thrown their way, they also forge new bonds.

Key to the story are the many residents of the street. Most know Murphy and befriend Kerry as well. Another thread to the tale is the budding relationship of Kerry and divorcee Patrick. He and ex-wife Gretchen move in and out of their flat while young son Austin stays put. Thus, providing stability for the precocious kid.

The final piece is the mysterious Heinz. Scruffy and possibly homeless, Heinz captures the devotion of Austin and the respect of Kerry. The cantankerous old man constructively critiques her artwork, pushing her to improve. Heinz disappears and everyone in the neighborhood contributes to the search.

Feel Good Novel

Bright Lights, Big Christmas is an uplifting novel perfect for reading during the Christmas season. Caring characters serve as a reminder the importance of family and friends. Andrews skill weaving plot and persona results in a page-turning novel sure to please both her long-time fans and those just discovering her writing. I highly recommend Bright Lights, Big Christmas.


Thank You, Omu! Book Review

Learning the Importance of Unselfishness

Book cover of Thank You, Omu! Showing Omu holding a big bowl of stew.One of the recipients of the 2019 Caldecott Honor Book awards, Thank You, Omu! written and illustrated by Oge Mora tells the story of giving. Since sharing can be difficult for youngsters, this is a perfect book to illustrate the importance of unselfishness. Furthermore, readers will be entranced by the original artwork. The illustrations are collages of acrylic paint, printed materials and waxed pencils. Thank You, Omu! was Mora’s capstone project while a student at Rhode Island School of Design.

Plotline of Thank you, Omu!

Omu lives on the top floor of a tenement. She has a pot of delicious smelling stew simmering on the stovetop. As the fragrant aroma wafts out the window, Omu sits to read a book. Then a loud knock and a little boy from down the hall appears. Naturally, he asks about the savory smell.

Omu barely hesitates before offering to share the stew meant for her evening meal. This scene is repeated throughout the day as everyone from the mayor to the hot dog vendor stops by drawn by the delectable scent of the stew.

Even the youngest listener will not be surprised by the outcome-no more stew. And then the giver becomes the recipient.

Oge Mora

The author/illustrator Mora achieved success with her first picture book. In addition to the Caldecott Honor, she earned awards from Coretta Scott King/John Steptoe New Talent and Ezra Jack Keats. Her mixed media illustrations garner praise from multiple sources including The New York Times, The Boston Globe and Forbes.

In addition to Mora’s second release, Saturday, the gifted artist has illustrated a number of books including I’m From and Everybody in the Red Brick Building. Click here for her website.

Recommendation for Thank You, Omu!

I loved this story of giving and included it in my gifts of Thanksgiving books for the oldest grandchild. Even though the book is not holiday related, it carries a similar theme of sharing. This world we live in needs more books showing kindness and love. Thank You, Omu! Belongs in every library and is highly recommended.

November 2023 Wrap-Up

A Challenging Month

The challenge of November 2023 parallels the rest of the year. Patience, stamina and endurance are all needed when acting as a support system for a loved one. Good quality medical care is available, but the health care system in the United States of America definitely has room for improvement.

Coping with stress takes an effort. Each individual needs to discover what mechanisms work best for them. Both spiritual beliefs and Earthly pursuits may relieve the strain one faces in the most difficult of times. If you are experiencing personal troubles, find what works for you.

Health Care

A few months ago in the August Wrap-Up, I discussed a downside of rural living-travelling hours to reach specialized health care. Thus, it is not surprising we opted to spend weekdays in a major city and only returning home on the weekends. Unfortunately, many still drive hours on a daily basis for therapy. Cancer treatments involve specialized care.

I am spending much time in waiting rooms while acting as a support system. So, my observations may be skewed. However, any of you working at or running an insurance company need to re-evaluate your industry. There is no way any doctor would prescribe unnecessary chemo treatments. Nor would patients willingly take additional chemotherapy. Yet, a few days ago I witnessed a young woman (decades younger than I) denied treatment because insurance authorization for the current week had not yet been approved!

This is unacceptable in this country of ours. Or in any country. If private companies cannot act in good faith, we will become more and more socialist. Pros and cons of the various “isms” will be written another day.

Family Visits in November 2023

On the positive side of the month, we have seen many family members on a weekly basis. Each has roots in the rural areas but have chosen to live and work in the city. Even though I can see the attraction, I still hate the traffic.

However, I will take advantage of the closeness of grandchildren and great-nephew and look forward to seeing all the youngsters during this difficult time. Thanksgiving provided an opportunity for family support as well as delicious food. This Thanksgiving holiday ranks among the best.

In the Library

Illustration of a Thanksgiving gathering passing food around the dinner table.Children’s book reviews filled up much of the month. Peyton Picks the Perfect Pie remains a favorite long after the feast. However, other than Sanibel Flats, no other adult reading took place. My top ten books of the year may be difficult to compile next week.

November 2023 Quilting

Sitting and waiting in doctors’ offices and hospitals yields much time for lap quilting. I finished the beautiful bargello baby quilt and am now working on one of the UFO’s. Quilting is one of my coping mechanisms for the challenges of November 2023.

Peyton Picks the Perfect Pie Book Review

A Thanksgiving Celebration

America’s Test Kitchen produced Peyton Picks the Perfect Pie as a complement to their many cookbooks. This wonderful story geared towards young grade school kids was written by Jack Bishop with illustrations by Michelle Mee Nutter. Peyton Picks the Perfect Pie is a multi-layered tale rich with life lessons. And the story is a perfect fit with the message of Thanksgiving-food, family and friends gather to give thanks and share.

The Picky Eater

Peyton doesn’t consider herself picky, she is just rather particular about her food. For example, she doesn’t like her foods touching. Nor does she like certain colors of food. But most of all, she doesn’t like “gooey, or gummy, sticky or slimy, frosted or flaky…chunky or lumpy” foods. However, she’s decided to try one new food at Thanksgiving dinner–pie.

Peyton Picks the Perfect Pie

Open pages from the story book Peyton Picks a PieExpanding one’s food likes is the foundation of the story. However, Bishop kicks it up a notch. Peyton has a wide range of choices because all the dinner guests arrive with a different kind of pie. No cookie cutter pies and neither are the guests. The all-inclusive message is subtle and as rich as the desserts. So, while Peyton is having second thoughts about leaving her comfort zone, readers will glimpse the message of inclusiveness.

Multi-layered Message

At heart, the story is about trying new things. In this case new food. But the story and illustrations provide so much more. Harkening back to the first Thanksgiving, friends and family with different backgrounds and experiences are gathering together to celebrate another year. Food, family and friends is what Thanksgiving is all about.

Peyton Picks the Perfect Pie is author Jack Bishop’s first picture book. However, I hope the veteran cookbook author and editor, considers writing another. I love the wittiness of the story and Michelle Mee Nutter does an outstanding job with the paired drawings. Each pie coming in the front door made me hungry. As a bonus, the book includes the recipe for the pie Peyton decides to try. Consider giving this book to a youngster this Thanksgiving.

Illustration of a Thanksgiving gathering passing food around the dinner table.

Thanksgiving Books for Toddlers and Preschoolers

Three Thanksgiving Books

Three Thanksgiving Books geared towards preschoolersI am on a reading jag. My current interest is Thanksgiving books for kids. The board books reviewed in the previous post are geared towards infants and toddlers. Now, this review showcases books geared for a slightly older age range of toddlers and preschoolers. All three are delightful storybooks geared for longer attention spans. And all three include interactive components.

Thanksgiving Here I Come

D.J. Steinberg pens the delightful aggregation of story-telling poems themed around Thanksgiving. The opening entry entitled The Biggest Turkey in the World is perfectly illustrated by Sara Palacios. Steinberg engages the audience with the comic prose of each story and all vary in length. The humor carries through Thanksgiving with titles including Wacky Friday and Turkey Again? Finally, the book includes a page of stickers.

Pete the Cat-The First Thanksgiving

Pete the Cat lovers will delight in this contribution to Thanksgiving books. Kimberly and James Dean mix traditional lore into a lift-the-flap book. So, a story highlighting Pete’s role as a pilgrim in the school Thanksgiving play is also an early history lesson. I found the presentation of historical facts well done. Kids will delight in discovering the illustrations hiding behind each flap. At the end, Pete and his family share how they are thankful.

Thanks for Thanksgiving

Finally, Thanks for Thanksgiving is the last of the three Thanksgiving books. Julie Markes writes the simple story of thankfulness. And I was enchanted by the beautiful illustrations of Doris Barrette. The details bring the pictures to life. Plus, the final page records what the reader is thankful for in successive years. Unlike the previous two books, Thanks for Thanksgiving is not part of a series.

My youngest was upper grade school when this delightful book was published. So, this 2004 book focusing on gratitude is new to me. I am thankful for the grandkids-so many books to discover! Unsurprisingly, I highly recommend this trio of Thanksgiving books geared toward toddlers and preschoolers.

Thanks for Playdates

Thanks For School