Easy Hack for Detangling Jewelry

Easy Hack

Don’t throw away those tangled chains because detangling jewelry is easy. But time consuming. You will need more than ten to fifteen minutes. In one case the process took me almost two hours. But it was worth it as I can now wear the last necklace my grandfather ever gave me.

Tools Needed

A variety of household items will be needed for this detangling jewelry hack. First, a surface that is stable and will allow pins to penetrate. I used an old bottom of a jewelry box. But the interior of a small cardboard box would work just as well. Multiple safety pins are a must. Finally, a long wooden skewer. Toothpicks are too short and can break easily.

The box needs to have sides to contain the jewelry. I used large safety pins such as quilting safety pins. Smaller ones will work just as well. In fact, fine chains will benefit from a thinner safety pin.

Detangling Jewelry Step-by-Step

First put the tangled mess of chains in the middle of the work surface. Start pinning the largest item/chain and then assess what that piece is tangled with the most. Once the second piece is identified pin that in a separate area. The clasp of the necklace may need to be pinned and then unpinned as the detangling process proceeds. If a chain has its’ clasp connected it may need to be unhooked as the work progresses.

Pin each necklace in a different section of the box to keep the jungled items identified and separate. Try working from the largest to the smallest. However, this is not an absolute. If a thinner strand appears to be less tangled, work on that item first.

Next, use the long skewer to gently-very gently- wiggle the chains apart section by section. Once the knots are loosened, individual chains can be identified. After the skewer detangles part of a chain it is important to use yet another safety pin to anchor that portion into the box.

Anchoring keeps the chains apart. If this is not done, the jumble of jewelry returns. Or even becomes worse!

Patience and Pins

Detangling Jewelry takes lots of patience and lots of pins. Fortunately, the rewards are great. I can now wear the garnet received on my thirteenth birthday. Furthermore, the jumble contained a fifth item. A simple gold chain was mixed in with those containing pendants.

Aging Alone Survival Skills

Survival Skills

Recently a widowed neighbor disclosed to me the difficulties of aging alone. She loves living here but her closest relatives are over 200 miles away. So, she is selling her home and moving closer to family.

This solution is not for everyone. But as we age we need to take certain things into consideration. And those with aging relatives can help. So, a list of modern-day survival skills for aging follows.

Emergency Alerts for Aging Alone

Since I seldom watch television, I don’t know if those “Help! I’ve fallen and can’t get up” commercials still air. This problem is quite significant for the elderly. I believe that advertisement was for a Life Alert medical device to wear around the neck. Those are great. But other options exist.

My personal favorite is a phone watch. Usually I am a late adaptor to new products. However, I was the first in the family with a watch that has its’ own phone. There is no need for a connection to a nearby cell phone. Calls can be made if I am out on a ten-mile run and can’t make it back. Calls for help if I were to fall and break something are easy. And unlike a medical device on a necklace, a watch blends in.

The latest technology in these watches is the ability to scan for vital signs. One of my octogenarian relatives has this type. When my current watch gives out, I most likely will follow suit. And yes, there is a bit of give and take with regard to the Big Data collected on your health. As a society we do need to be conscious of privacy with respect to the massive storage capacity technology offers.

Low Tech Alternatives

If you or a loved one refuses to wear any type of device, there is an alternative for those aging alone. Albeit not quite as timely or efficient. The biggest risk of a fall that renders one unable to move is not getting help in a timely manner. Blood clots are frequent in hip injuries but also occur in minor sprains. Lying on the ground for hours (or days) waiting for someone to notice your absence is life threatening.

So, communication is the key. Daily morning and evening phone calls to check in become a necessity if newer technology is unwanted. With an extended family a rotation schedule can be implemented. Close neighbors can help as well. Make sure contact information of out-of-town relatives is shared with trusted friends and neighbors. Aging alone does not equal isolation.

Another low-tech alternative is the use of a cane or a walking stick. Both items can add stability to one’s gait. Walking sticks are not limited to mountain hikes. They can also make a walk around a park safer once a certain age is reached.

De-cluttering and Aging Alone

Often falls occur from stumbling over clutter. So, de-cluttering and aging alone go hand-in-hand. Since it is difficult to give up things, books like Lose the Clutter Lose the Weight, Cleaning Sucks, The Home Edit and The Prepared Home are great resources.

Not everyone can afford to hire outside help. If outdoor chores become too burdensome with age turn to church youth groups for help. There may also be youth service organizations at the local high school in need of a project.

Mindfulness is important working outdoors. Care must be taken not to trip over hoses or tools such as rakes. Aging alone requires a higher threshold of awareness.

Importance of Neighbors

The importance of being a good neighbor and cultivating relationships with neighbors is key when aging alone. Looking out for each other still occurs. Humans, by nature, are caring creatures. Relationships with neighbors of all ages help the young and old alike. On a national level there appears to be many divisions in this country. But on a local, neighborhood level, life is much more civil.

Maybe it is time to turn off the social media friendships and focus on the face-to-face relationships. If you have a neighbor or family member aging alone, keep in close contact. And if you are the one aging alone, use common sense, stay healthy, and age gracefully.

The Great Eggscape! Book Review

A Storybook for Ages 3-8

Cover of The Great Eggscape depicting three eggs running down a grocery aisle.The Great Eggscape! is a delightfully silly children’s book written by Jory John. A dozen eggs run around the grocery store in an elaborate game of hide and seek. Young children can easily connect with the theme. Since the eggs dye themselves during the story there is an easy tie into Easter week activities. Thus, the book fit into my categorization of an Easter book. But The Great Eggscape is non-religious. However, the message of leaving no egg behind is meaningful.

Lead Character

Shel is the only egg not romping through the grocery store. He prefers “alone time” and misses out on the coloring bath. Meanwhile, the other eggs from the carton decide to make him leave the container by hiding in various sections of the grocery store. (Much to the displeasure of at least one grumpy vegetable.) And as time ticks by, Shel worries and starts on a hunt for the hidden eggs. Thus, his friends’ plan works.

Subtle Subtext in The Great Eggscape!

Hidden among the eggs are several learning opportunities. Time is captured on an analog clock. Shel lines up his fellow eggs to make sure the full dozen is there. So, even though there is not an actual count, readers can easily perform this simplest of math functions – if they choose to.

But when little egg Meg is missing Shel stops the rest from quitting the search until all are found. With the help of Greg (the egg decorated like the universe) and the others, Shel discovers Meg’s hiding place. Persistence and teamwork are just as important as having fun with friends.

Parents can use the various illustrations for additional learning opportunities.


A little Adobe Photoshop of my Own…..


Pete Oswald is the noted illustrator and recognized on the book’s exterior cover. But further details on the artwork are just inside. Saba Joshaghani used scanned pencil sketches based on Oswald’s original artwork to create the interior pages. Adobe Photoshop was the software utilized to paint the images. This remarkable feat was produced in Italy.

Finally, two pages of stickers can be detached from the book and used to decorate eggs-just in time for Easter.

March 2023 Wrap-Up

Spring vs. Winter

Spring is battling with winter for control as March 2023 finishes up. The temperatures remain winter-like with upper teens and lower twenties (Fahrenheit) still occurring weekly if not daily. But the winds have kicked in, a sure sign of changing seasons here on the High Plains. Long range forecast calls for average to below average temperatures for the month of April. So, spring planting is on hold.

However, much yard work occurs whenever there is a break in the tropical storm gusts and the day sees temperatures over 45 F°. Two new manifolds are ready for action. The first is a replacement for the old pipe in the Big Garden. The second will irrigate the asparagus bed, rose bed and cut flower bed.

Yesterday, the first of the asparagus spears were spotted poking out of the ground. Since the next several nights will bring temperatures in the teens, new straw was scattered across the bed. Often the temperature swings 50 degrees from high to low creating confusion for plants and animals alike.

Quilting Continues

Many days in March 2023 (including this last one) were too nasty to stay outside for any length of time. So, many hours were spent in the basement working on quilts. The youngest grandchild received his completed quilt when he traveled to the Plains one weekend. The small pink bargello is next up for quilting and a king size bargello quilt in greens and blues is all cut out and ready to be pieced.

An I Spy quilt is also on the docket for April. The base of the quilt is in the UFO stash and wording for the I Spy clues is almost complete. I hope to stay on track for my goal of completing the unfinished pieces stored in the quilt room.

March 2023 Seed Starting

Due to the wacky weather nothing has been transplanted into the garden. But multiple trays are ready to go. The greens can withstand temperatures in the mid-twenties. However, the forecast still shows drops into the teens. Patience is needed.

Tomatoes joined the seed starts. They have a long way to go before transplant size. As long as the temperatures stay cool the plants can take their time. I am way behind on the seed planting but the natural indicators of time support the delay. The first crocuses did not appear until the Ides of March. Some years the harbingers of spring pop up at the end of January. Paying attention to nature and noting the emergence from dormancy aids in knowing when to plant what.

Kale, cabbage and broccoli seedlings
Kale, Cabbage and Broccoli
Lettuce seedlings ready to transplant
Ready to Transplant: A variety of Lettuces.

March 2023 In the Library

Since the weather was conducive to mostly staying indoors, many books were read in March 2023. A series by Christian fiction writer Terri Blackstock took up several nights as did quite a few gardening books. The action-adventure books Code 6 and Burner as well as the non-fiction Adrift: America in 100 Charts were all reviewed on the blog.

All the books read in the month were library check-outs. I am fortunate to have such a wonderful library in a town with fewer than ten thousand people. The staff is incredible, and the programs are many and varied. Truly something for everyone!

Looking Beyond Local

Several key events took place at the national level during the month. Banks focusing on the tech industry took a beating. Silicon Valley Bank depositors had a lifeline thrown to them. All deposits became insured by the FDIC. This may become a moral hazard. Time will tell.

In other financial news, talk about Central Bank Digital Currencies increased during the month. I am very leery of CBDCs. There are too many cyber attacks across many industries. I think a system of CBDCs would be ripe for fraud. For a good overview of the issue click here to connect to information from Think Tank Atlantic Council.

Finally, the end of March 2023 brought the first ever indictment of a former United States President. Many are comparing the action to the tax evasion charges that brought down Al Capone. We indeed are living in interesting times.

Code 6 Book Review

The opening pages of Code 6 are not misleading as much as they are mis-directional. James Grippando purposely creates a complex storyline. On the surface, Code 6 presents a tale of family dynamics. Yet, so much more is going on behind the scenes. Intrigue, appeasement, espionage and sex trafficking are all intertwined. And the story works. Furthermore, not only is Code 6 a story worth reading, but the book should also be read.

Protagonist and Heroine

Kate Gamble is both an aspiring playwright and a third-year law student. Not an easy task. Then, a rough day at the theatre changes to one of devastation as she learns of her alcoholic mother’s suicide. Furthermore, the note left behind makes no sense, “I did it for Kate” provides only questions and no answers.

There is no romance in Code 6. Instead, Ms. Gamble is portrayed as an independent woman willing to stand up for herself. But she also understands there are battles to fight and skirmishes to lose. Through it all she stays focused.

Secondary Characters

Grippando fleshes out the story with a full cast of characters. Each storyline depicts good versus evil. And the characters fall in line. Broadway director Irving Bass and his assistant Sean provide the backdrop for the book. Although this storyline is far from the action, the parallels provide plenty of nuance.

Elizabeth Gamble’s suicide occurs close to the start of the book. So, her character is all through the eyes of others. The author does an excellent job. The reader knows and understands her before the conclusion of the novel.

Christian Gamble is the CEO of Buck Technologies, a tech company built around Big Data. The Chairman of the Board is Jeremy Peel. The whiz kid coder is “Baby” Patrick Battle. Kate Gamble babysat for him when both were even younger than in the story. These three employees are key players in the kidnapping and espionage storyline that commands most of Code 6.

Multiple Storylines and Themes

The underlying theme of Code Six is good versus evil. Each thread of the novel shares this idea. Big Data plays into this.

Action scenes revolve around Patrick Battle (appropriately named) and his kidnapping while on a corporate retreat in South America. This storyline revolves around espionage and sex trafficking. Not all the ‘good guys’ survive.

Secondary to the good/evil theme is “What mothers will do for their children” (p.316). Sacrifice can come in many forms and on either side of the good versus evil decision.

Code 6

Perhaps slow to start, Code 6 packs a punch as it races towards a conclusion. Big Data is everywhere. But it is nothing new. Ms. Gamble’s ‘play’ discusses the role IBM played in the Holocaust. This part of the novel has basis in fact. An important detail that the reader should reflect upon and research if the information was previously unknown. (Click here for one source.)

James Grippando highlights other concerns as well. Corporate greed, espionage and sex trafficking often go hand in hand. Fortunately for the reader, the author counters these sins with heroism and true patriotism. Reality is not so kind.

Mystery Tomatoes

Organization Failure

Five rows of unidentified tomato starts creating mystery tomatoes.2023 might be the year of mystery tomatoes. Recycling can have its’ downside if one is not super organized. This year my attempt at organization hit a setback. Reusing old plastic trays for my seedlings is not new to me. But for the first time I merely created sheets of planting information instead of buying more plastic labels.

Now the sheet indicating which row has which tomato variety is lost. As a result, I will have mystery tomatoes if the information is not found.

Multiple Varieties

Each year I plant both paste and slicing tomatoes. Then I go a step further and plant different varieties in each category. This year the seed starts include Early Girl, Brandywine, Opalka and San Marzano. But I have five rows. So, I definitely will have some mystery tomatoes. Furthermore, I may not be able to differentiate the different varieties in the two categories.

Usually, the paste tomatoes have a smaller seedling appearance. This should allow me to identify between slicing and canning. But I doubt I will be able to know which are the Early Girl tomatoes. Perhaps all the starts will become mystery tomatoes.

Volunteer Mystery Tomatoes

Each year a few tomatoes pop up in the garden on their own. These volunteer tomatoes are often heirloom tomatoes. Those with a purplish cast to their leaves are easily identified as Purple Cherokee. And since Roma tomatoes are open-pollinated they also easily reseed. I tend to dig these volunteer mystery tomatoes and re-locate them to a raised bed of volunteers. This allows me to separate the known from the unknown.

Unfortunately, this year may be one of unknowns. If the identification sheet is not found the entire garden may be comprised of mystery tomatoes. At least until harvest approaches. Mostly the loss of identification will mean inconvenience as the slicing tomatoes may end up in the Big Garden instead of just outside the kitchen door. Next year, I will buy some markers!

Burner Book Review

A Library Find

Book covers command attention as was the case with Burner by Mark Greaney. A speedboat racing away from the setting sun, out of the coastal harbor, shadowed by a cliff-how could I pass this by? Plus, it was on the new release table at the library and from an author I did not identify-hard to believe if your favorite genre is action thrillers.

Greaney is an established writer co-writing the later books in Tom Clancy’s Jack Ryan series as well as creating The Grey Man series himself. I realized none of this as I began reading Burner. However, the book stands on its own merits without previous knowledge of the series, characters or even Netflix. Yes, The Grey Man series is apparently available through the streaming channel.

Contemporary Issues in Burner Plot

The novel opens with Courtland Gentry mounting explosives on a yacht belonging to a Russian oligarch. Court is known by many names- The Gray Man and Six are just two- and he is former CIA. Burner mirrors current affairs with a conflict between Russia and Ukraine. Therefore, the plot line may be of interest to readers not devoted to the action-thriller genre.

Information implicating politicians, bankers and others is smuggled out of Russia into Switzerland and onto New York City. Multiple governmental agencies as well as private parties are willing to go to great lengths to secure the data. So, Court is just one of many on the hunt trying to figure out the good guys from the bad guys. Identities are murky and loyalties are tested.

Cast of Characters

Major action scenes unwind from the Caribbean to Europe to the United States of America. Naturally, each location needs secondary characters. Multiple characters can be found moving from location to location as well. Greaney provides a list of characters in the dramatis personae and I referred back to the list a few times. Americans, Ukrainians and Russians dominate the list. Several characters also have code names on top of aliases. This could be confusing but Greaney keeps everyone and everything in order.

The Gray Man is the protagonist. He has a love interest and multiple opponents. Fortunately, a current CIA operative acts as a back-up of sorts. Angela Lacy, a very competent agent is also a pacifist. So, her support is limited. And though she trusts Gentry she dislikes the love of his life, Former Russian SVR Zoya Zakharova.

Recommendation for Burner

Mark Greaney’s thriller Burner is an absolute winner. The book is part of a series, but can be read out of order as a stand alone by those interested in current events. The characters are so compelling one might want to turn back to prior books in the series or look for the Netflix adaptation of the first book in the series. Greaney is a masterful writer and will keep you turning the pages for more.


Spring 2023 on the Horizon

Signs of Spring 2023

First crocus of Spring 2023 popping up in bright yellow and green.It feels like winter will be here forever but spring 2023 is indeed on the horizon. Many signs are out today from the first crocus to the fact kids are on spring break. And we are climbing up the temperature gauge. So, the past few days I have focused on the gardens.

New Fence

A new fence to discourage critters from roaming around my yard is now in place. It is not foolproof, but affordable and will act as a deterrent. However, it is really a temporary structure. The panels are held in place with steel stakes and a special attachment creates a handy gate. Everything can be easily moved. My hope is the local wildlife (and not so wild) will bypass my yard.

The Big Garden is now enclosed by two fences. While the outer fence could be jumped by either a deer or a large fox, multiple fences help deter the animals. It should encourage them to go on down the street to easier pickings.

Seed Starting

The very cool temperatures (and more to come-snow is in the forecast) have kept me from starting seeds which need warmer weather. However, my cool season crops have begun the hardening off process. Tomorrow may be difficult with highs only in the upper 30s but they will go outside for a short spell. Most have been transplanted to a larger container and are almost ready to go into the ground.

Spurred on by the blooming crocus, I have been amending the soil in the big garden with straw and mushroom compost. I went one step further today and planted peas, carrots and early beets. If we get a light covering of snow tomorrow the seeds will have both insulation and moisture.

My seed starting for Spring 2023 will turn to tomatoes, pepper and eggplants over the next several days. The bulbs finally popping up signal it is time. So, seed starting of all kinds will begin in earnest.

New Trees for Spring 2023

Two new trees were purchased yesterday. Both cherries. The North Star is a dwarf variety and can be hard to buy around here even though it is well suited to the climate and soil type. This tree was still dormant so it has been planted even though temperatures will be back down into the teens for the next few days.

The second tree is a Montmorency. I currently have one of these that has been growing for twenty-eight years. It is beginning to show its’ age. Since the buds are trying to leaf out on this replacement, the tree is in a protected spot on the back porch and will be planted once we get past the hard frosts. The stress of transplanting a tree trying to bud out accompanied by the big drop in temperature spells disaster. It is tough enough to get trees to grow on the windy and dry High Plains.

I like to plant trees. They are a sign of hope for the future. Usually, I only plant one a year. But the age of my current cherry tree is prompting me to plant two in Spring 2023. The winter moisture should give the trees a good start. Spring 2023 rains and snows are welcome. Soon more time will be spent outdoors. What do you plan to grow?

North Star Cherry Tree in dormancy.

The Female Line


Yesterday on International Women’s Day I reflected on the female line of my family. Our family, like the vast majority of families in the world, carry the surname of the males. But it has been the females (with a few exceptions) that have had the most impact on my life. Perhaps, this is due to longevity. Or maybe identifying with the same gender.


Three of my great-grandmothers were still alive when I reached my teens. Two of whom outlived their children-both my paternal grandparents died relatively young. And the third passed away during my junior year of high school. I feel fortunate to have memories of all three.

I am now a grandmother and two of my great-aunts are still alive. A third lived until she reached the century mark. Two were childless. I only know the circumstances of the great-aunt who lost three children all within a few days of their birth. A hazard of doing missionary work in a developing country.

The other great-aunt may or may not have had a choice. Although she was politically a conservative, in life’s actions she was a trailblazer. One of the first (possibly the first) females to graduate from the University of Texas with a degree in chemistry, she still resides in Texas. And I treasure my copy of her speech entitled A Woman Chemist vs. Gender Discrimination. She is in her late 90s now. I’m sure you can do the math…

My third great-aunt was married to the most extroverted of my great-uncles. Their third child, a cousin to my father, is just two years older than I am. So, it is easy to see the connectedness. The strong female line was a great influence from my early years.

Current Influencers

I have three living aunts all now at least in their seventies. Accurately, I can describe all as living active, independent lifestyles. Unfortunately, as is often the case with the female line, two survive their life mates with only one fortunate to still have a spouse.

Perhaps this is another reason the female line has influenced me so much. The survival rates. It is quite common for women to outlive men. But there are exceptions. Both my paternal grandfather and my father outlived their spouses. A tribute to my mom can be read by clicking here. She and her mother passed down the artistic gene.

I was close to both sets of grandparents. But I lived near to my paternal grandparents as a child. They were very special people. Both grandmothers worked in education. One taught, when necessary, the other was a career educator.

My cousins also skew toward the female line in numbers as well as connection. Although to be fair, I only have one male cousin. Nevertheless, I am closer to the women. We live in an age of women with careers. And ours are varied. Somehow, we juggle work and home life.

Future of the Female Line

And then the numbers tip to males in the next generation. Including my two daughters, there are only three females on my maternal side and four on the paternal. What will this mean for the female line?  It is too early to see what will happen with the generation on the horizon as I am the only one in my age group to have grandchildren. Fortunately, both genders are represented, and the maternal middle name continues. In this case, the surname is not the identifying factor.

The Female Line and Surnames

Worldwide, only a few countries bring forward both surnames. I can see how things could become unwieldy if all the surnames were passed from generation to generation. If I had the surname A-B and my husband C-D would our offspring be A-B-C-D? And their children? Would they have eight surnames? If not, which names would be dropped?

So, surnames can be complicated. But what is important about a person? I would pick character over name any day of the week. Names identify us, yet who we are goes far beyond a name, either given or surname.

I feel very connected to those before me. Now that my children are giving birth to yet another generation, I hope to provide that same connectivity for my grandchildren. Family lines are important. Both the male and the female line.


Adrift: America in 100 Charts Book Review

Library Check-Out

If print books talked, one could say Adrift: America in 100 Charts screamed check me out on my last trip to the library. The 2022 Scott Galloway release captured my interest from the start. His opening preface is a mantra. “Life isn’t what happens to you, but how you react to what happens to you. Nations prosper or perish based on how they respond to crises.” (Adrift, p.1)

I couldn’t agree more. And I think this holds true on both a personal level as well as the collective. The preface rang so loud that I began recommending the book before many pages were turned. Now that I have completed the text, my sentiment has increased ten-fold.

Divided Americans

In recent years, I have complained on this site of division among the American population. Galloway has charts for this. Many charts putting a number to my observations. For example, Political Divides Become Social Divides compares views on a child marrying someone not affiliated with the same political party.

The chart contrasts 1960 with 2018. In the earlier time period both parties registered a concern of 4%. However, 2018 shows a significant change. Thirty-five percent of Republicans now cite a differing party as a concern with a potential in-law. Even more surprising to this reader was the Democrats opposed marriages across party lines by 45%. (Adrift, pps. 148-149)

But this is just one instance of division. Trust, or lack thereof, in government is yet another chart. As is pay inequity.

America Adrift

Perhaps the most thought-provoking information is tied to climate change. Galloway’s chart on page 32 contrasts media coverage of billionaire Bezos for the month of July 2021 with mentions of the climate crisis in all of 2020. 212 Minutes to 267…but don’t forget to divide the latter number by 12 for an apples-to-apples comparison. This yields a ratio of 212 to 22. How is a billionaire going into space more important than our environment?

Media drives what we see, and social media thrives on dissension. Galloway uses the charts in Adrift to make this point. And many other observations from marriage rates to the decline of immigration and innovation.

Potential Remains

Even though many of the charts reflect negative trends across a wide swath of topics, Galloway offsets the doom and gloom. His narrative is more positive-with caveats. Adrift is a wake-up call both nationally and globally. But the emphasis is on the United States of America.

Recommendation for Adrift: America in 100 Charts

Adrift is the best non-fiction I have read in months. Public libraries, including high school libraries should each have a copy. Furthermore, this book is excellent for gift giving.

The author makes a few points I don’t agree with. For example, even though nuclear energy has a lower death rate than other fuel sources, I believe there are other problems (such as long-very long, lasting contamination) associated with this industry. So, the chart on page 241 did not sway me.

Perhaps I liked this book so much because the graphics rang true with most of my thinking. Young males are particularly adrift and a risk to society. So, I agree with the posited solution of national service. Furthermore, I always prefer books proffering solutions. Galloway finishes the book with sections entitled Future Possibilities and What We Must Do. Complaints and concerns accompanied by solutions appeal to me. Adrift: America in 100 Charts is worth the time spent reading. And then some.

February 2023 Wrap-Up

This last day of February 2023 is a high wind one for this part of the High Plains. Winds are above 30 m.p.h. with gusts above 50 m.p.h. a common weather event this time (or anytime) of year. Fortunately, there are plenty of things to do inside.

February 2023- In the Library

Many books were read in February. Most for fun. Two Jayne Ann Krentz romances, a re-read of Helen MacInnes cold war fare, a new Julie Garwood romance-Grace Under Fire and the new thriller from David Baldacci-The 6:20 Man. While none of the above were reviewed, I enjoyed them all.

Sometimes prioritizing the fun of reading is important. I remember loading up on fiction during the summer breaks while working on my degrees. Required reading takes the fun out of things. This is one of the reasons I refuse free copies from publishers. I would feel compelled to read and review all the books. It was nice taking a month off (mostly) from the reviews.

Sorting the Basement

I am still working on Losing the Clutter in the basement. About two-thirds of the hobby room is finished. Many scraps of fabric are on the margin of being too small to save. I blame it on my grandmothers. Both remembered the hardship of the 1930s until they died. In the process, they instilled a sense of re-using and re-cycling in me. But strips of cloth less than an inch in width really need to go.

Starting Seeds

We still have two months plus before we reach are average last freeze date, but seed starting is underway. Kale, spinach and lettuce are under the grow lights. Furthermore, a few seeds have been scattered in the garden as well. The expected light snow of this week will provide a blanket of moisture from the most cold-tolerant varieties such as the Pak-Choi.

A few of the indoor plants such as the artichoke have been transplanted into bigger pots. This will give them more room to grow as they wait for warmer weather. In the coming weeks even more seeds will be started indoors.

Query Letters

So far, I have struck out with my query letters. However, much constructive criticism was received. Revisions are in order. Such is the life of a writer unwilling to self-publish. At least for now.

UFOs: The Quilting Kind

UFOs Not in the Sky

A box of UFOs, unfinished quilts, found in the hobby room.
Neatly stacked UFOs.

I stumbled across a box of UFOs while organizing and attempting to declutter the hobby room. Unlike the unidentified flying objects making headlines earlier in the month, these Un-Finished Objects are quilt projects started and not completed. The year 2023 now has a concrete goal. These quilts deserve to be finished and cherished.

At least one of these UFOs dates back multiple decades. Life truly can become busy as children arrive and moves are made. Somehow the purple and teal blocks survived the purging of three moves and a major remodel of the current home.

I Spy Quilt

The cheeriest of the UFO’s is comprised of 5 ½ inch blocks of children’s prints. To finish the quilt a narrow border complete with a list of objects to “spy” needs to be added. Then the quilt can be sandwiched and tied or quilted. Since the next generation is at the age to procreate, finishing this quilt makes sense.

My Bernina sewing machine has a program which sews sentences into the fabric. The quilter needs to hold the fabric steady so the wording remains in a straight line. I have made these before and the greatest difficulty is creating the I Spy sentences. The quest needs to offer challenge without frustration.

Quilt top with 5 1/2 inch squares of bright baby prints
The basis of an I Spy quilt.

Unfinished Design

Unfinished wall hanging with a Sunbonnet Sue applique.
Prime example of an Un Finished Object.

One of the quilts is hardly begun. I ran into trouble trying to replicate a Sunbonnet Sue wall hanging. My trouble was creating a clothesline. This quilt was to hang inside the laundry room, but open wall space was at a premium. Perhaps I can finish it and place outside the room at the entry.

Fall Colors

A table runner and a panel quilt are two UFOs designed in a fall color palette. Both are small pieces just lacking the layering and quilting for completion. I am not sure why they were unfinished. Perhaps fall turned into winter?

Since the cleaning and organizing has uncovered fragments of quilt batting, one goal is to match the table runner and batting piece and move it into the quilting stage. A lingering winter will give me plenty of time to finish at least one of the two.

Table Runner in Fall Colors
Table Runner

Panel Quilt in Fall Colors

UFOs: One Nearly Complete

The initialed diamond within a square missed a deadline for showing and then was never finished. Only a few inches of stitching the binding remains. This wall hanging deserves finalization. I am sure frustration over the timing led to the piece finding it’s way into the box of UFOs. This one can be finished on a hot summer afternoon when I take refuge in the coolness of the basement.

Quilted wall hanging made from two inch squares. The diamond within the square in greens and whites with the remainder in browns.
Almost Finished

Sampler Quilt Blocks

Quilt block missing pieces.My sampler quilt blocks are still just blocks. My review of the original and updated version of The Sampler Quilt back in 2018 did not spur completion. I even found another partially pieced block. Unfortunately, this block is missing a section. One of the tasks while organizing the hobby room will be to find the missing piece or if possible the fabrics needed to complete the block.

The sampler quilt is least likely to finish this year. But I plan to add that goal to my list. Everything on this quilt is done by hand. Quite an undertaking. And the finished quilt will be a special one.



Hand Pieced Sampler Quilt Blocks

Eight quilt blocks in purple and tealQuilt block in Lemoyne Star patternQuilt block Dresden Plate on purple backgroundQuilt Block of hexagonsCarpenter's Wheel patternQuilt Block teals and lavender on white backgroundQuilt block called Clay's CornerQuilt block in deep purpleLog Cabin block teals on one side purples on the other

Nightwork Book Review

Another Winner

Nightwork by Nora Roberts reminds the reader why her books are so successful. She can flat out write! This 2022 release is so suspenseful and so engaging, the pages kept turning themselves. And yet, the novel belongs in the romance genre. Nightwork tells the story of a cat thief from his first caper at the tender age of nine. Harry Booth steals the heart even though he is a world class criminal.

Family Members

Booth likes his night work. The reader follows along on each job sensing the early fears of getting caught. Booth outgrows those fears even though this reader did not. His skills increase throughout his teenage years. His dying mother oblivious. But not his Aunt Mags.

Mags is a free spirit accustomed to roaming the country. She puts everything on hold to help her sister raise Booth. And she sticks even harder once the cancer appears. While she may not condone Booth’s actions, she definitely looks the other way. Necessity blurs the lines and creates acceptance.

But the night work continues once the need is no longer there.

Nightwork: Right vs. Wrong

Inner conflict exists for both the main characters and this reader. The issue of right vs. wrong should make Booth an unlikeable character. But Roberts creates so much empathy throughout the story that moral lines blur. So, the reader begins to worry Booth will get caught and suspense mounts.

To further the conflict, Roberts introduces the Shakespearean fan Miranda Emerson. Sparks fly between Booth and Miranda, a fellow literature student at Chapel Hill. True love for both at the tender age of twenty. Then the past catches up with Booth.

Pressed into night work against his will, Booth finally understands his chosen path makes normal relationships impossible. To protect Miranda, Aunt Mags and others he wanders the world for a decade pulling heists here and there earning the name The Chameleon. No place to call home and always looking over his shoulder.

Confronting the Past

Finally, Booth decides to hide in plain sight. Adopting another new alias, he begins teaching at a high school in a small town with no known associates. A sabbatical of some sorts and he finds a new career. Booth discovers teaching is every bit as compelling as thievery.

He settles in. Then the past catches up once again. Only this time, a vengeful Miranda is the danger. Of course, Nightwork is a romance. So, the two former lovers forge a new relationship based on honesty. At least with each other. The rekindling of love increases the suspense for the reader. But now the question is Will They Get Caught?

Nightwork Encompasses Multiple Themes

Nora Roberts creates complex characters and detailed plots, puts those together and then merges moral conflict into the mix and out pops a suspenseful page turning book. I was on the edge of my seat for most of this one. Somehow, she convinced me to side with a cat thief. Nightwork masterfully blurs the lines and bends the rules. And delivers a very satisfactory love story.

Super Easy Super Bowl Cheese Ball Recipe


I have a super easy cheese ball recipe I bring out once a year on Super Bowl Sunday. Since this is a quick and super easy recipe, this delicious appetizer can be made up the day before or the day of the game. Just six ingredients, the most time-consuming element is grating the Swiss Cheese and/or chopping the pecans.

Kitchen Tools Needed

Stand Mixer

Cheese Grater

Food Chopper


Plastic Gloves

Measuring Cups and Spoons

Plastic Wrap

Cutting Board

A stand mixer or hand-held mixer is preferable but either a blender or food processor could also work. I use disposable food-safe plastic gloves. Measuring cups and spoons are a given. Finally, a plastic spatula will ensure every bit of this delicious spread is included in the cheese ball.

Super Easy with Six Ingredients

Cream Cheese, Feta Cheese, Swiss Cheese, Dried Cranberries, Chopped Pecans and Honey ready to make Super Easy Super Bowl Cheese Ball8 oz. Cream Cheese

4 Oz. Feta Cheese

1 cup Shredded Swiss Cheese

½ cup Dried Cranberries

½ cup Chopped Pecans, divided

2 teaspoons Honey


Chop the pecans and grate the Swiss Cheese. Blend the cream cheese and honey until well mixed. Add the feta cheese and Swiss Cheese until just incorporated. Mix in the cranberries. Add half of the chopped nuts and stir.

Spread the remaining chopped pecans on a flat surface. I used a plate. Form the cheese ball atop the nuts and roll to lightly cover the sides. Cover with plastic wrap and refrigerate until time to serve.

Swiss Cheese Key Ingredient

The use of Swiss Cheese gives this super easy cheese ball an added taste twist. Guests will try to place the secret ingredient, but not many will. In the past crackers and Frito Scoops accompany the spread. But this year I plan to make some focaccia bread as an accompaniment. Chef Brian Klauss posted the most delicious looking recipe on his website  Bakekrazy that I will start tonight. This will up the “game” of the Super Bowl snacks and make a wonderful pairing for the Super Easy Super Bowl Cheese Ball.

Super Bowl Cheese Ball

More Twist-and-Turn Bargello Quilts Book Review

Bargello Designs

Eileen Wright’s More Twist-and-Turn Bargello Quilts offers ten new projects for quilters to try. This How-To book was a Christmas gift. And quite possibly a hint.

Bargello quilts look complicated and are quite daunting. The optical illusion of curved lines creates beautiful works of art. Previously, I have been quite drawn to them in museums and exhibits. But too unsure of the skills required to attempt one.

Challenge from Offspring

Fortunately, my youngest believed in me enough to gift me this book. So, I decided to try the crib quilt pattern as a test. One week later, I am hooked. Wright gives very detailed instructions and if one pays attention, it is smooth sailing.

The first dozen pages give background instruction. This includes the tools needed as well as hints on fabric selection. Furthermore, a critical part of designing Bargello quilts is the color gradation. Knowledge of the color wheel is important. Fortunately, working with color is one of my strengths.

Precise instructions pertaining to all the patterns in the book complete the introductory pages. This information included creating a fabric map. In past quilts such as the Trip Around the World quilts, I indicated my fabric choices on note charts. However, there are definite advantages to using a fabric map. A fabric map consists of scraps of each fabric. So, I affixed my scraps to felt and referred to the placement numerous times. This was an improvement over my former technique.

Additionally, Wright is adamant in her pressing directions. Each seem needed ironing in a particular direction. Furthermore, the timing of the presses was also stressed. I followed her directions to press immediately after each seam. I truly believe the detailed attention to the seam allowances was necessary.

Specific Directions for Wright’s Bargello Designs

A natural choice to practice this new skill set on was the Bargello for Baby. Small in size, the quilt only needed ten fabrics to flow together. The difficulty of blending fabrics is increased with each additional textile.

Key points the author stressed in addition to pressing was the need for exactness in cutting, stitching at a smaller length such as 2 mm and maintaining a scant ¼ inch seam. Adhering to those instructions yielded a beautiful quilt.

My comfort zone was again challenged by the no pin method Wright uses in piecing the strips together. She uses the term “nesting.” If the pressing direction is followed, the two fabrics line up beautifully. However, it is important to pay attention to the sewing and act with deliberation. This is not a pattern to zip through the seams.

Recommendation for More Twist-and-Turn Bargello Quilts

I loved this How-To quilt book. Even beginning quilters can succeed with this guide. But one must pay attention to the instructions. Wright includes website information for additional tips which can be downloaded at ShopMartingale.com/HowtoQuilt . For example, if the quilter needs help with sandwiching or quilting, the website has a link. Now after completing my first Bargello quilt I encourage any quilter to try. This wonderful publication will make the process smooth. Enjoy the slide show.

Bargello for Baby

More Twist-and-Turn Bargello Quilts book cover with green bargello quilt design

Zonta International: Near and Dear to My Heart

What is Zonta International?

I believe many visitors stopping by this blog today and through the weekend are affiliated with Zonta International. Welcome! For regular readers, Zonta International is a world- wide organization of professionals with the common goal of promoting gender equality by empowering women and children in an effort to end violence against women, achieve pay equity and provide equal opportunity for education. These are just a few of our goals. For a greater grasp of the many important service projects please visit the website at www.Zonta.org.

Who are Zontians?

Zontians are very giving, monetarily and with the all-important aspect of our lives, time. Service projects have varied over the decades I have been a member. As an educator my favorites have been associated with literacy. A current project, Let Us Learn Madagascar, served as a tie-in to a local project. Our club worked with the local middle school girls for the first years of the International Project engaging the young teenagers in what occurred half a world away.

Those same girls formed the basis for a brand-new Z club once they reached high school. Club membership at the high school level mirrors that of Zonta International, open to males as well as females. The initial club leader was a young man who spoke at an Area 4 meeting and was so impressive in his support for gender equality one member of the audience posited he might become the first male Zonta International president.

Econogal Posts of Interest to Zontians

This blog is eclectic in nature. Originally started in 2017 as a way to keep creating new pathways in my brain, Econogal is a big part of my life. The content is free from advertisements. And while I welcome the emails and comments, I write of my interests. So, no free books accepted, and I only write what I want, not what is strongly suggested with promise of compensation.

Many of the books reviewed are related to goals of Zonta International. (If you click on the highlighted words that follow you can jump to that particular post.)

Book Reviews Pertinent to Zonta International

The Displacements, which will be briefly discussed during my upcoming Zonta Says NOW USA Think Tank presentation, follows a mom and her children as they flee a natural disaster and land in a FEMA camp far from home. (The emphasis for the February 25th program is one of preparedness for women.)

The Good Daughter focuses on the life-long changes of two sisters after a sexual assault. This novel is highly graphic and may be too intense for victims or family members of victims. However, it is the perfect gift for anyone who asks “What were you wearing?”

Where the Crawdads Sing is more than a murder mystery. It is a story of the struggles of a young girl who becomes a woman with very little guidance. I have not seen the movie so I cannot compare.

The Only Woman in the Room is a biography of Hedy Lamarr. This well known actress had many other talents I was unaware of. There is also a nod to Rose Day in the Post.

Other Entries of Note

Another post featuring Rose Day is World with Women, this will give you a glimpse of the local club. Finally of interest to long time Zonta District 12 members as well as any Past International Governors is a tribute to a Zontian I dearly miss in Century of Life.

To all those following the link provided by Zonta Fast ACTION Friday and Zonta Says Now, thanks for stopping by the Econogal blog. For my regular readers and any new followers, stay tuned for the post on Bargello quilts arriving early next week.

January 2023 Wrap-Up

Seasonal Weather

The month of January 2023 was cold and snowy. Since this part of the world is in a moderate drought, the moisture was welcome. However, the single digit and below zero temperatures can disappear at any time without any concern from me. Naturally, January 2023 was spent indoors.

Time was split between reading, writing and quilting. Additionally, a few seeds were started. There is always something to occupy the hours of the day.

January 2023 In the Library

A wide range of books were read this month. Three entertaining novels were reviewed, Elevator Pitch, The Escape Artist and Remarkably Bright Creatures. All were enjoyed. Non-fiction books included works discussed in the post Time to Plan the Garden and The Complete Runner’s Handbook by Glover and Glover. Next on the TBR list is Brain Saver Protocols Cleanses & Recipes.

Quilt Room Action

Baby Quilt in browns and teals
Ready for the hand-quilting.

A quilt for the youngest in the family is now at the hand quilting stage. Another baby quilt, this one for his cousin-to-be on his Dad’s side of the family has been cut out and the sewing will commence this week. But that is not all of the activity going on in the quilt room.

I have finally reached this important room for decluttering. Truth be told, not much can be tossed. But a lot of organization is needed. This last day of January 2023 saw the beginning of separating the fabrics into color categories loosely following The Home Edit guidelines of ROY G BIV. I have also turned the stack fabrics on their sides giving a better view of the patterns. The fabric arrangement will continue into February. Then I can start on the hobby cabinets.

Seed Starting

The first seeds were started in January 2023. Most were brassicas. Kale and cabbages have already emerged. Two of the peanuts have sprouted as well. The former plants can be placed outside while the temperatures still fluctuate below freezing. The peanuts will grow inside until June. Three artichokes were planted but no signs of any life yet.

Fortunately, it is a long way off before outdoor work dominates the schedule. Plenty of time for seeds to sprout and seedlings to grow.

Remarkably Bright Creatures

Debut Novel

Book Cover of Remarkably Bright Creatures depicting giant octopus and elderly ladyShelby Van Pelt’s Remarkably Bright Creatures is remarkably good. Set in the Pacific Northwest, the heartwarming story has generational appeal. Quirky characters represent the populations of small towns across the United States of America, and most likely the world. Relatable and engaging, the reader might be reading about friends and neighbors.


Tova Sullivan is a widow in her early seventies. She still lives in the house she grew up in built decades ago by her father. Bereft of family due to her only child’s strange disappearance just after his high school graduation, she still meets with a group of friends on a weekly basis. But their numbers are dwindling.

Tova is the epitome of work ethic. She believes in working through one’s troubles. So, she is still working nightly as a janitor of a sea aquarium.

Cameron Cassmore, just turned thirty, is homeless, down on his luck, and searching for answers. Left with an aunt by his addict mother he is determined to find his father. A man who might not even know of his existence. His motive is money. Work is something that he just doesn’t want to…work at. He finds it impossible to hold down a job-of course at no fault of his own.

Marcellus is the third main character. And the hero. The opening chapter, rife with anthropomorphism captures the heart-Marcellus is at the end of his lifespan. But as one of Earth’s remarkably bright creatures, he has one final task to complete.

Remarkably Bright Creatures-Multiple Plots and an Overarching Theme

Books can be driven by characters or by a captivating plot. Remarkable Bright Creatures is most definitely character driven. But the theme and the various plots move the story along. At the heart of the book is family and generations. Yet, the main characters face a future without familial links. In the case of Tova-no descendants. Cameron mourns his loss of parents and grandparents. Perhaps his inability to keep a job and put down roots is an outcome. He certainly blames his circumstances- not himself. The need for family drives the story. Even Marcellus comments on procreation. Not what one would expect from a creature facing imminent death.

Van Pelt does an excellent job of creating small town life and telling of the importance of both family and friends. And yes, community can be built in cities. However, this connection is so much easier to spot in a small town where everyone knows everything. About everybody. Which is also maddening.

Furthermore, the author is wonderful at tying the multiple plots together. Not only does she remind one life spans don’t change, but Van Pelt is also excellent in conveying the importance of work, resilience and personal ethics. Thus, she makes a point of leaving a mark on this world we live in. Not necessarily attaining fame and fortune-just a positive impact on our surroundings and the people we interact with on a daily basis.

Recommendation for Remarkably Bright Creatures

Remarkably Bright Creatures is a warm hearted and uplifting story. The novel is a reflection of today’s world. It is a reminder that tragedy can strike at any time yet the living must continue to lead productive lives. Certainly, that is easier said than done.

Shelby Van Pelt successfully addresses so many modern concerns and still leaves the reader in a positive frame of mind. Buy this book soon and keep it for one of those days when your spirits are low. Remarkably Bright Creatures is the needed antidote. This debut novel is a keeper.

The Escape Artist Book Review

Highly Recommended

A relative recommended The Escape Artist by Jonathan Freedland in the latter months of 2022. Now I recommend it too. The book is part historical account and part biography. Throw in action in the prologue followed by flowing prose and pertinent questions, then you have a publication well worth reading.

The Escape Artist

Walter Rosenberg later known as Rudolf Vrba is the subject of The Escape Artist. He and fellow Slovakian Alfred Wetzler became the first Jewish escapees of Auschwitz/Birkenau. Their story has been told more than once. Yet, this iteration should not be missed.

First of all, Freedland has been meticulous in his research and writing. He includes maps, personal photos and documentation from no less than Sir Winston Churchill himself. And his political observations woven throughout are sound and reflective.

The account set forth will be hard to read for some. However, The Escape Artist needs to be read. Especially by younger generations. Those too young to have personally met and/or witnessed the tattoos of the survivors of the Nazi termination camps. And more importantly, by those who have forgotten their history lessons.

Rudi Vrba is the Escape Artist

Freedland addresses the man known at his death as Rudolf Vrba by his given name at birth, Walter Rosenberg, throughout the account until the man was given a new identity following his escape from Auschwitz/Birkenau. Unlike his follow escapee, Fred Wetzler, Vrba kept his new name after the war.

Much of the book is focused on the account of Vrba. However, Freedland varies in key chapters such as in London has been Informed. The differentiation gives great credibility to the account. As do the shared documents.

Vrba’s life story goes beyond survival. He truly believed his escape would save lives-if people only knew what awaited them once the cattle cars arrived at the camps. Unfortunately, he was only partially correct.

His anger extended beyond the Nazi’s. And the anger was well placed. Much, much more could have and should have been done both during and after World War II. And the lessons are still applicable today.

Jonathan Freedland

British Journalist Freedland has written both fiction and non-fiction. The latter are published in his own name while most of the former can be found under the name Sam Bourne. Additionally, he appears on BBC and contributes regularly to several publications including The Guardian. He has obviously been busy researching, writing and promoting The Escape Artist since as of today January 23, 2023, his website needs updating.

The focus on Vrba’s story is commendable. Freedland’s journalist background bodes well. He asks the right questions. Readers need to provide the conclusions. And determine future actions lest ethnic cleansing continues to succeed; on different soil and against other ethnicities. If stories such as Vrba’s are forgotten, history will repeat.



Time to Plan the Garden

January Snow

A back patio with wall and furniture covered with about 8 inches of snow and small flakes falling.When the January snow blows it is time to plan the garden. This is always a favorite indoor task for this time of year. And a wet snow encourages both High Plains farmers and gardeners. So, after looking at the forecast showing three chances of snow in one week, I visited the library. Multiple books were checked out including three related to gardening.

The Backyard Gardener by Kelly Orzel, Deerproofing Your Yard & Garden by Rhonda Massingham Hart and an Eyewitness Garden of Pruning & Training edited and published by DK Publishing provided additional reading material. So, the time to plan the garden is nigh.

Winter Chores

Before the arrival of snow, temperatures soared into the low sixties (Fahrenheit.) It is quite normal in this part of the world to have a warm-up before a front moves in. Year round we have temperature fluctuations of forty degrees or more on a daily basis. On the High Plains, population is sparse as are trees. This adds to cooling at night without concrete to trap the warmth. Click here for an interesting article from Time discussing concrete and heat.

Therefore, warm afternoons allow one to work in the garden for a few hours. These past two weeks ushered in a clean-up of early crop beds by cutting back the asparagus stalks and cleaning out the bed for the brassicas. After last year’s wind storm wiped out my garlic crop, I’ve become a dirty/lazy gardener leaving stalks in the ground to catch the snow and keep the soil anchored.

An alternative would be to grow a winter cover crop. Something I am considering. Although it seems to be a waste of seed, plowing under rye first thing in the spring.

Time to Plan the Garden: Seed Catalogs

The seed catalogues began arriving just after Christmas. Most are from companies I have ordered from in the past. Although a few are new to me. Perhaps sister companies-much preferable thought to that of my buying habits marketed to others.

Inflation has hit the garden supply industry. Supports such as tomato cages and trellises seem to have doubled in price. Since I do not keep catalogs from year to year this may be inaccurate. But the prices are higher. Planning will be critical and I may upcycle even more in the 2023 garden.

Some seeds were harvested from my own garden last year, including herbs such as dill, parsley and basil. The rosemary will need to be replaced. A necessary cost. The chives, sage and thyme can be divided. A wonderful savings. All indications point to higher costs. Thus, planning will be more important than ever. It certainly is time to plan the garden.

Time to Plan the Garden- Reviewing Notes

Spring 2023 notes aided by earlier year plannersBy reviewing the notes from my calendars, I know what items to re-order. And which ones to skip. For example, last years eggplants grew larger than the year before, but the vines became diseased. Not ideal for a home garden.

Copious notes help keep track of results. Additionally, the notations include rainfall and freeze dates. We started off with a dry spring, had a slightly wetter early summer and then dried out again. A tough environment.

In my opinion, the average frost dates are meaningless. In the last five years we have had spring freezes as late as Memorial Day and as early as mid-April. The same is true with the fall. Including the threat of a Labor Day freeze in 2020. So, material to protect crops is needed- as is patience. And the ability to adjust to a unpredictable growing season.

Book Reviews

Two of the above books will be reviewed in the coming weeks. To read the review of Deerproofing Your Garden click here. For those in warmer climates, spring is just around the corner. It really is time to plan the garden for 2023.

The Creative Process

Adapting Patterns

Artists, writers, crafters, architects and designers are alike in that each employ the creative process in their work. Many books have been written on left brain/right brain thinking processes. And most attribute the right brain to creativity. Thus, the left brain is relegated to the “boring” stuff. Like math.

However, as a quilter, I know you need both sides of the brain. Especially if creating a new design or adapting an existing pattern created by someone else. Such is the case with my current quilt project.

Recently, I found a quilt that looks perfect for the newest baby in the family. The discovery occurred while searching through my quilt books and old magazines. The little guy is almost six months old and still trying to catch up…preemies take a bit longer to develop. Since he is finally doing a bit more than eating, sleeping, and well you know-he needs a quilt to play on.

But the quilt in the magazine is bigger than desired and the companion infant quilt is not what I want. So, alterations need to be made. Cue left brain action!

Math and Quilting

Long ago when learning fractions, someone in class asked why? What is important about partial numbers? I don’t remember the exact answer, yet I am sure quilt design was not included. It should have been.

Quilters normally use quarter inches as seam allowances as opposed to the 5/8ths used by clothes designers and seamstresses. Of course, the quarter inch applies to all sides. So, blocks are actually a half inch bigger at the cutting stage.

Things get quite complicated at times. Such is the case with my adaptation of Family Tradition from McCall’s Quilting Vintage Quilts Spring 2014 edition. (In turn, the pattern was originally published as Easy Breezy in their Fall 2001 release.)

The finished size as published is 71” by 77 ¼” which is much bigger than I want. Therefore, mathematical adjustments need to be made before the creative process can take over. Cutting the size down by half would make the resulting quilt smaller than I want.

Since I like baby quilts to equal the width of standard fabric, I need a width at or below 44 inches. So, reducing the size by a third was also out of the question. Complicating things further, the original squares called for 3 5/8” (the laptop doesn’t even recognize this fraction!)

Creative Process-More Than Art

The creative process includes thinking outside the box. Therefore, I counted the squares on the top border and divided the number into the desired finished width. A slight adjustment was made, dropping the measurement to the next lowest eighth of an inch. Then, the seam allowances were added back in.

Next, I adjusted the width of the inner borders and made multiple calculations. I decreased the 6 ¾” (with allowances) to 4 ¼” and recalculated the length based on the nine patch squares. As you can see in the photo, the measurements were spot on.

The hardest equation involved the right-angle triangles in the corners. Basic algebra and a scientific calculator helped. I hope my math will be correct when I reach that point. The hypotenuse is known and the base and perpendicular sides are equal, so I divided the hypotenuse by the square root of 2. Tweaking will need to be done since again the number is not a nice fraction. And the seam allowances can’t be forgotten.

Design with Color and Direction

The magazine depicts the quilt with a lot of pastels. The little guy will receive a version with earth tones sparked with vibrant teals and greens. My inspiration is more of ocean meeting land and rugged rocks. The nine patches in the middle have the same brown. Since the brown has directional lines of gold, red and teal, placement was intentional. My creative process requires a certain structure in the design. I like a top and bottom and consistent direction when possible.

Two additional fabrics complete the center square. Although both feature greens, they differ in tone and style. One is a child print, a traditional green plaid background with sail boats, fire trucks and the like. The other is a pebbly abstract in various shades of teal. Both complement the brown.

My last decision will involve whether or not to include a top and bottom single row border as designed. Or I can leave the quilt as a square within a square. So many decisions in the creative process!

Quilt in browns and teals with four nine patches in center, solid inner border and pieced block outer border.
Quilt in Progress

Elevator Pitch Book Review

A “New to Me” Author

Elevator Pitch by Linwood Barclay is a library check-out and one I encourage you to find. The book was released in 2019 and is the first novel of Barclay’s I have read. The story captures interest from the start-I could hardly put it down! The writing flows as the plot thickens with twists and turns only partially foreshadowed.

Barclay falls into the category of prolific author. More than that, the title provides a glimpse of intelligence and wit. There are multiple meanings layered in “Elevator Pitch.”  Here is proof that the world has many, many talented authors and time is limited. Too limited to read them all. But if you haven’t yet read any of his work, he is worth discovering. So, I can’t believe I missed his dozens of books and am glad he is now on my radar.

Setting of Elevator Pitch

New York City is the setting of Elevator Pitch. The focus is on the many skyscrapers. Right from the opening pages the reader grasps the significance of the vertical landscape. How necessary is it for elevators to work smoothly if you live more than ten floors up? Twenty? Eighty? And the significance grows with respect to age.

But this is not a story of electrical failure as if the power grid were attacked as discussed in Ted Koppel’s non-fiction Lights Out. Instead, Elevator Pitch focuses on isolated events of domestic terrorism and personal vendettas. Furthermore, Barclay provides plenty of suspense against the backdrop of the city that never sleeps.

A Plethora of Characters

Barbara Matheson is a career NYC print reporter. She covers local politics. Her nemesis is Mayor Richard Wilson Headley. And not much love is lost between them. But things are complicated. Headley has political aspirations beyond the local level and his son thinks Matheson is the perfect person to serve as a ghostwriter. After all, she has that experience as well.

Matheson has a grown daughter. Since the fatherless child was raised by Matheson’s parents, the relationship between the two is fraught with guilt and blame. Arla Silbert (she uses Matheson’s maiden name) catches the eye of the mayor’s son, Glover, on her first day at work for the city. Thus, Barclay has many layers of intrigue. These characters are just the tip of the iceberg.

Other keys to the mystery of malfunctioning elevators include mayoral aides, police detectives, Russian operatives and right-wing domestic terrorists. The plot contains foreshadowing and plenty of misdirection. Everything the author needs to keep the readers turning the pages.

Elevator Pitch Plot

The plot of the novel is basic. And the writing is filled with nuances. For example, the opening scene depicts a screenwriter as a stalker determined to pitch his work. He “succeeds” by cornering the agent in a high-rise elevator on her way to the office. His efforts fail-because the elevator fails and falls. This is just the first of three failures before the mayor shuts everything down. Then even more chaos ensues. A no-win situation for the mayor.

Sub-plots are rampant in the novel. Barclay is a master of connecting the multiple threads and tying them together. The quick tempo of the writing matches the pace of the plotting. Kudos to Linwood Barclay for providing an entertaining evening of reading. Elevator Pitch earns high praise. Read it soon.

This suspenseful novel may have you taking the stairs…whenever possible.

Friends, Lovers, and the Big Terrible Thing Book Review

Matthew Perry

I found Friends, Lovers, and the Big Terrible Thing depressing, jaded, and one of the most powerful memoirs I have read written by an addict. (For a comparison click here.) Perhaps a paradox, but nevertheless true. But some background is needed on my perspective. I never saw the series Friends during its’ initial run. Not a single episode.

The show debuted in the fall of 1994. I had lost two immediate family members in just six months, had three young kids and was teaching twelve credits at a local community college. Television was not part of my vocabulary.

By the time the series ended in 2004, I had an additional child and the two oldest were in high school. My relaxation came in the written form while soaking in a tub full of bubble bath. But, during the isolation of Covid-19, I began to watch re-runs and the cast of Friends was incredible. Including Matthew Perry.

Big Terrible Thing

However, I have not seen enough episodes to pick up on his constant battle with addiction. So, the memoir was disturbing and a bit depressing. The author at times came off as jaded. But his ending message is powerful. Addiction has destroyed his body. He is fortunate more relationships were not ruined.

Names are dropped, but I would not classify Perry as a name dropper. On occasion he with holds an identity. But the message is still the same. His ongoing battle with addiction has interfered with his happiness. And with most long-term female relationships. It was troubling.

The big terrible thing in my opinion is how close to the edge his life will always be. I feel for anyone faced with this disease. And I am firmly in the camp that believes it is a disease.

Concluding Thoughts

Friends, Lovers, and the Big Terrible Thing is a difficult read. A cursory look reflects an artificial comic. One gets the feeling that for most of his life Perry was an “all about me” person. The tragedy lies in the hidden demons. And at some point, blame needs to fall within. The past is the past. Perry alludes to this. Even acknowledges how his parents always stuck by him- even though he blames his upbringing for his insecurities.

The book is a powerful look at dealing with the demons within. It is written to help those who struggle. And to offer an explanation to those who are on the outside looking in. I don’t know if it will help with the former, but it succeeds with the latter. Unfortunately, addiction cannot be solved by outsiders. Only the individual afflicted can beat the curse. It is my sincere hope Mr. Perry, and all other addicts can overcome their internal enslavement.

Friends, Lovers, and the Big Terrible Thing book cover featuring head shot of Matthew Perry.

Goals and Opportunities

Revisiting Resolutions

While goals and opportunities are related, they often differ. Goal setting can be done at any time. Not just around the New Year. However, opportunities are more elusive. They can appear and then slip away if not acted upon.

Goals are easily set. But not easily kept. Of my four goals for 2022 (click here to review) I fell short on the two easiest to track. I did not try a new recipe each month. Nor did I finish a creative project in the same time period. Actual results were closer to every other month.

Goals and opportunities often clash. Such was the case in 2022 for the aforementioned goals. At one point I was absent from my home for almost six weeks. So, the opportunities were limited. I did travel with both a quilt in progress and a Christmas stocking kit. But my cooking was quite limited.


Goals and Opportunities- Taking Action

Sometimes opportunities come along that mesh with current or long-term goals. Such is the case now. Although the window is beginning to close. A newly appointed literary agent popped into my Twitter timeline. She has halted her submission reviews until after the first of the year. If I carry through on this opportunity to submit, I may come closer to my key goal of publication. Definitely a case of goals and opportunities meshing.

A query letter is important for establishing a relationship in the literary world. My current task is polishing such a missive to send off after the first of the year. The short term is now immediate and so the opportunity costs are high.

New Goals and Opportunities

A new year provides the perfect time to update goals. Top of the list is establishing a relationship with an agent or an editor. The second writing goal pertains to this blog. But it is hard to accurately define- I want the posts to be “more and better.” For now, I will leave the goal loosely specified.

2022 was a year of travel. Dozens of short trips and four very long forays across the USA. So, 2023 might be a catch-up year at home. It all depends on the opportunities. And unlike goals that can be worked on, opportunities must be seized as they occur.

The asparagus bed established in the spring will need to be tended to as it enters into its second year. A few spears will be harvested, but not many. Patience is the key.

Other projects around the garden will ensure the long-term goal of growing healthy produce for the home. Christmas dinner included green beans from the 2022 garden. The techniques learned in Freeze Fresh proved beneficial. No leftover green beans.

The opportunities for the garden are quite dependent on the weather as well as the ongoing inflation. Building materials and supports all come at a cost. But recycling will help with the costs…and the environment.

Goals and opportunities vary by year. 2023 is upon us, enticing with unlimited potential. What will your goals be? Take some time this week to reflect upon past accomplishments and ready yourself for new opportunities. Be creative in your endeavors and constructive in your work. Celebrate successes. Most importantly, leave things better than you found them. Not only do we have one life to live, but also one world to live in. Best wishes for the new year.

Grace Under Fire Book Review

Favorite Romance Novelist

Julie Garwood’s latest novel, Grace Under Fire revisits romance between the Buchanan and Mackenna families. In this latest pairing, Isabel the baby of the Mackenna family tangles with former Navy Seal Michael Buchanan. The seemingly mismatched pair will spark an interest even in readers new to Garwood.

Theme of Grace Under Fire

Finding ones’ life course is the underlying theme of the novel. Isabel is a new college graduate. Her love for music hidden during the college experience re-emerges. The pursuit of a more practical degree unknowingly places Isabel Mackenna in grave danger. As does her sudden fame.

Meanwhile, Michael Buchanan has his career change all planned out. Until he once again crosses paths with the youngest of the Makenna females. Now all bets are off.

Romantic Chemistry

For this reader, the chemistry between the lead characters took a little time to develop. More time than given on the pages of the book. Garwood romances are not sweet, so I was not surprised by the content, just not expecting the sensuous scenes so soon. By the time I was ready for the couple to conjugate, the courtship had passed the initial stages. Timing was off, just not sure if it was this reader, or not.


Isabel Mackenna answers to her middle name. Thus, a potential for confusion for those seeking Grace. Under fire refers to both the unscrupulous fortune seekers as well as the rabid music fans. Garwood primarily tells the story from the voice of her heroine. As a protagonist, Isabel is quite likeable. Not too syrupy   Her key fault of lousy driving eventually saves the day.

The chapters devoted to Michael Buchanan’s viewpoint help solidify the relationship. They also provide a balance to the fame and fortune Isabel faces on a daily basis. However, the hero remains one dimensional. Only hints of his time at war are given.

Secondary Characters

Just as Isabel and Michael have been secondary characters in previous novels, Grace Under Fire has a plethora of entertaining secondary characters. It is doubtful that any will become protagonists, but one never knows. Of course, quite a few former protagonists made appearances. Readers familiar with the series may recall the various personalities. New readers will need to discover most of the characters by visiting the library.

Recommendation for Grace Under Fire

The release of Grace Under Fire comes after a larger gap than most of Garwood’s books. Perhaps the pandemic is to blame. Devotees of the author will certainly enjoy this novel. It is stand alone to a certain extent. I checked the book out of my local library. It was enjoyable, and yet I doubt I will reread it as often as I have Garwood’s 2011 release The Ideal Man nor my all-time favorite, The Secret. Her novels are always enjoyable, and I hope for a shorter time before her next release.