Tag: Mass Shooting

Out of Nowhere Book Review

Changed in an Instant

Sandra Brown’s Out of Nowhere starts with the premise that both tragedy and love can strike out of nowhere. Lives are changed in an instant when a mass shooting occurs at a county fair. Brown’s characters include guilt-ridden survivors, frustrated law officers and the unknown sub(ordinate) as they struggle with the aftermath.

Romantic Interest

Calder Hudson, surviving victim of the shooting, fights his attraction for Elle Portman. Ms. Portman lost a family member in the shooting. Both experience survivor’s guilt. Yet they take different approaches to healing.

Over time, their attraction grows, and romance arises from tragedy. However, the shooting is not as random as first thought and thus complications interfere with their relationship.

Readers should be aware that the romance is spicy not sweet.

Portrayal of Law Enforcement

Ms. Brown’s treatment of the characters portraying officers of the law is mixed. Ineptitude is first with the misidentification of the shooter. More mistakes are made in the investigation. Yet the lead officers do not come off as bumbling or uncaring. Instead, they are thwarted, and the reader can identify with their frustration.

Out of Nowhere Shooter

The author cleverly hides the identification of the shooter while still giving the character space with a point of view. However, Brown drops clues so that true sleuths may deduce the name. Others such as this one may have a “that makes sense” moment.

The shooter’s revealed identity and actions prove evil comes in many forms. Unfortunately, a case is made for the connection between severe mental health problems and mass shootings. Out of Nowhere highlights a problem existing in this world.

Recommendation for Out of Nowhere

Sandra Brown is a master storyteller. I have read a few of her books over the years and they contain much suspense, violence and hardcore love scenes. I enjoyed Out of Nowhere even though the premise is so heartbreaking. But Ms. Brown treats the topic with care. Survivors need to take time to heal. Then they need to go on living even with tremendous loss.

Furthermore, the author addresses the issue of instable individuals. Mental health needs attention. A major flaw is one of blaming others for anything going downhill in life. Perhaps it is as easy as going back to keeping score in children’s games. We all will have wins and losses in life. It is important to learn how to deal with the losses. Win-win situations are few and far between.

Out of Nowhere has depth. I highly recommend this novel.