Tag: North Carolina

Star Flight Book Review

A Little Bit of Romance and a Whole Lot of Suspense

Star Flight, an intriguing suspense novel from Phyllis A. Whitney was published thirty years ago. Somehow, I missed it then and in all the years since.  Because Whitney penned seventy novels in her lifetime, there may be others I have yet to discover. She is a master in the genre of romantic suspense.

Setting of Star Flight

Chimney Rock in North Carolina is the setting for the novel. The area is beautiful, yet the rugged outcropping adds a sense of danger, at least for those with a fear of heights. Whitney’s description of the land and waters around this popular Appalachian destination will stir memories of past visitors and ignite interest in those who have yet to visit.

The history of the area serves as fictional background. A sensational setting for modern day movies could easily have attracted long ago Hollywood magnates. Reality gives plausibility to all novels.


Lauren Castle travels to Lake Lure and the Chimney Rock area for closure. Deaths of both her husband and maternal grandmother occurred in the vicinity separated by generations. She discovers neither one was accidental. And her quest to find the truth places her in danger.

But another draw to the area is a long-ago love, Gordon Heath. Years ago, she chose the safe path and still regrets the decision. Lauren seeks a second chance.

A further complication is the aging grandfather who chose to remain with his wife instead of leaving with the mistress pregnant with his child. The complexities of the various relationships play a large part in complicating Lauren’s search for the truth.

Plot of Star Flight

Star Flight is the story of a long-ago Lover’s Triangle, two beautiful women vying for the attention of a Hollywood Star. Adulation, from secondary characters, complicates untangling the past as memories are compromised by loyalties. The author throws in otherworldly occurrences adding mystery and pushing the readers suspension of disbelief. Recent stirrings of alien life in the press gives the novel a timeliness often lost in modern fiction.


Star Flight is the title of several novels, so including Phyllis Whitney is imperative in an online search. The book is still available in ebook form as well as on sites such as Etsy and Amazon. Perhaps libraries still have copies as well. I found this copy as I was inventorying the personal library of my late parents. Still puzzled as to how I could have missed it for the last thirty years, I enjoyed a few hours of escape from reality with a favorite author not read in a long time.

Where The Crawdads Sing Book Review

Where The Crawdads Sing

The debut novel Where The Crawdads Sing is one you will want to read. This is the first foray into fiction for Delia Owens whose previous works have been in the realm of non-fiction. Her expertise in wildlife creates a wondrous background for the novel. A story so gripping you won’t want to put it down.

The setting is the lowlands of North Carolina. Owens brings to life the creatures of the marsh through the eyes of Kya, the protagonist of Where The Crawdads Sing. The first glimpse we have of Kya is as a six-year-old confused by her mom leaving their swamp shack in high-heeled faux alligator shoes. She waits for her mom to turn around and wave good-bye. The mom keeps on walking, right out of Kya’s life. The first to abandon the little girl.

Owens uses a dual narrative approach to spin her tale. Thus, the riveting saga of Kya alternates with the murder investigation of a local hometown hero. Several characters overlap between the two tales. The modern-day plot takes place in 1969. Kyra’s mom walked out in 1952. Eventually time merges. Along the way the reader glimpses an accurate picture of the Deep South.

Where The Crawdads Sing is hard to classify as far as to which genre it belongs. Yes, there is a murder involved. But the story really isn’t a “who done it?” The bulk of the tale revolves around the young abandoned girl as she matures into adulthood. Of course there is some romance involved too as is often the case with coming of age stories.


What I liked about the book the most was the uniqueness. I encountered a suspension of disbelief which allowed me to totally immerse myself in Kya’s circumstances. The author has created a character rich in complexity. She is different. How she became different is a critical part of nature. And an integral part of the novel.

This is one of the best books I have read this year. I am amazed that this is a first novel. Furthermore, the ending was a total surprise. Any serious lover of fiction should add Where The Crawdads Sing to their must read list. I sincerely hope Delia Owens produces another work of fiction.