Tag: Patricia Cornwell

Identity Unknown Book Review

Kay Scarpetta Series

The 2024 release in Patricia Cornwell’s Kay Scarpetta series, Identity Unknown brings the series cast together to solve two murders linked together even though different individuals are responsible. Throw in a UAP/UFO at one of the murder scenes and fiction takes on a modern twist. Drones and secret military sites also play a role. The question of beings from other planets already on Earth is not new. But Cornwell does a good job exploring the plausibility.

Hallmark Descriptions

The series is known for the intense autopsy scenes and Identity Unknown is no different in that aspect. But the scenes that stand out in my mind were of an abandoned amusement park and two harrowing flights where a helicopter took on Mother Nature.

Cornwell’s prose brings scenes to life. Whether protagonist Kay Scarpetta is performing an autopsy in the lab or on site, the reader is a part of the action. The same holds true when she encounters dangers during her investigation. The scenes with the caves and mines of West Virginia make you feel transported to that location.

Technology in Identity Unknown

The first murder is solved in a traditional way. But catching the second murderer involves the use of AI. And secret military autopsy rooms. A stretch of the imagination leads to the possibility that these secret rooms examine beings other than humans. But in the end it is simple greed and vengeance, not “Others”, responsible for the death of Kay’s old friend and lover.

As the plot unravels, the author suggests a plausible explanation for the increase in UAP/UFO sightings. High tech secret flying machines produced by various countries, both friend and foe. To bring a touch of reality, the infamous Chinese weather balloon gets a mention in the story.

Emotions on Display

Identity unknown has multiple meanings in the novel. Both victim and villain need identification with respect to the second murder. Plus, what kind of unidentified flying machine left a circle of flower blossoms around the body? Finally, a decades long mystery kept by Kay of the mystery lover from Italy.

This last brings out a myriad of emotions during an interview by top military authorities. The attempt at discernment on Kay’s relationship with the victim stirs a wide range of emotions with respect to Kay, Benton and Marino. Thus, the examination of their feelings becomes a main thread in the story. For this reader, the approach is preferable to the suspenseful gore of earlier novels. The lack of intense violence makes the book more palatable.

Recommendation for Identity Unknown

The last two books of Cornwell’s have softened in tone. The graphic descriptions are there but fortunately the terror is gone. I enjoy suspense, but not violent terror. I am glad I checked this out at the library. See if your local library has a copy or find it on Libby.


Spin Book Review

Spin, the follow up to Quantum, continues the action from the latter as if an old time serial. Patricia Cornwell’s Captain Chase series picks up the pace of technology. And the protagonist, Calli Chase develops a second skin. But once again, the acronyms are distracting.

Contemporary Science Fiction

Cornwell thoroughly researched the latest robotics and space technology before beginning the series. Thus much of the technology discussed carries a paradox of both realism and an “out of this world” vibe. Cloaking devices, fabric made with electrical “thread”-I have actually witnessed this technology with my own eyes-interactive AI and eye wear are novel but apparently no longer experimental. So, if you love reading about these advances, Spin is definitely for you.

A key component of the novel is the use of interactive AI (artificial intelligence.) ART is one with Captain Chase. The repercussions are scary and not far off. Cornwell is masterful at revealing the complex decisions we face with the continued development of this technology. Science fiction is now fact.

Spin Characters

However, I feel there is a danger of the novel, and indeed the series, focusing too much on the technologies and not enough on the characters. As a sequel, many of the same characters returned. There was an unevenness in the development of these roles. The greatest growth was naturally in the personality of the protagonist. But few of the other players evolved.

An exception is that of four star General Dick Melville. He plays a very large role in the story. Much like the military plays a large role in the development of new technology. The symbolism is not lost. I think Melville is a good guy, but often it is hard to tell. So true to life.

Of the new characters introduced, young Lex, a boy genius is most appealing. An orphaned teen on the threshold of choosing between right and wrong, good and evil. I hope we see more of this character in future books. The chemistry between Captain Calli Chase and Lex is believable. Furthermore, the technical abilities of the young versus the older generations’ grasp of today’s tech mirrors the real world. Small truths lend credibility to fictional story lines.


Spin is well written by a master storyteller. Yet the book may not be for everyone. Once again jargon is a predominant part of the problem. Individuals not fluent in NASA speak or tech terms may feel weighted down.

Another problem is the serial approach. Truly, this book series needs to be read in order. So, if you haven’t read Quantum yet, find a copy of that book first. (Click here for the review.) And be prepared for an ending that is the beginning of the next.

Quantum Book Review

Quantum by Patricia Cornwell is the first of a new series. The protagonist is Captain Calli Chase. Chase is both a scientist and a security officer for NASA and is based at Langley Research Center in Virginia. The novel involves murder and intrigue. But, the greatest take-away is the great advances in technology with application both on the ground and in space.

The plot revolves around the secret placement of a quantum node on the ISS. For those not used to the space jargon and seemingly endless acronyms used by NASA and other governmental agencies, ISS stands for International Space Station.

The opening pages are laced with acronyms and not all are easily identified. Thus, a start to a new series weighed down with both backstory and jargon. For me, this approach made enjoying the novel difficult at first. However, by page 50 mystery and murder appear and I am hooked.

Close- knit Characters

Cornwell has created a cast of characters that is tightly woven. For example, the earliest scene involves Chase and NASA police Major Fran Lacey. Later, it is revealed that Lacey and her son live adjacent to Chase and her parents thus creating quite a compound.

Furthermore, Chase has an identical twin Carme (pronounced Karma) who figures prominently in the story yet is more an apparition than a person. The backstory Cornwell weaves provides rationality for the diverse personalities of the twins. Additionally, Carme is a prime suspect in the murder and mayhem that occur. Of course this creates conflict and tension for the protagonist.

Quantum Leaps of Technology

A major plot point is the secret placement of a quantum node on the ISS. To be honest, I did not know if this was real technology. An Internet search concludes the technology exists. Click here to see if you can understand the theory.

The novel also addresses other cutting edge technology such as the exoskeleton suits used by the military. My first encounter with this product came in Break Point by Richard Clarke. Click here for a review of that fact laced novel.

It is obvious that Cornwell spent much time researching this field. She weaves details of the technology as well as the security protocols in place to guard advances and advantages of the U.S. governmental agencies. The book is fictional, but just how much truth supports the novel?

I recommend this book with the caveat that the jargon and initial pages are a bit tough to read. Those readers interested in the ongoing research into quantum physics will find an excellent tale weaving fact into fiction. Cornwell’s latest mystery is worthy of reading.