Tag: Peter Walsh

2022 Top Book Picks

Favorites of 2022

Econogal’s 2022 Top Book Picks offer personal favorites from the past year. Just in time for the last minute holiday gift shopping. Most are recent releases but a few have releases as far back as 2000. I have divided the lists into three categories this year, fiction, non-fiction and children’s books.

It is always a tough decision on which books make the list. So, the 2022 Top Book Picks include nine in each section of adult reading material with a slightly shorter list of children’s books.

The genres range from futuristic to crime for the novels. And the non-fiction is just as eclectic with entries from self-help to economic thought. My new list of children’s books includes board books.

2022 Top Book Picks of Non-Fiction

I misremembered reading more non-fiction as one of my New Year’s Resolutions. Must have been from a prior year. Nonetheless, more of my reading in 2022 was non-fiction. Many of the books centered on home organization but the top three were critiques or reflections on the world around us. You can click on each title to link to my reviews.

  1. Talking to Strangers by Malcolm Gladwell
  2. Keeping At It by Paul Volcker and Christine Harper
  3. Reflections on a Life in Exile by J.F. Riordan
  4. Lose The Clutter Lose The Weight by Peter Walsh
  5. Option B: Facing Adversity, Building Resilience and Finding Joy by Sheryl Sandberg and Adam Grant
  6. Understandable Economics: Because Understanding Our Economy is Easier Than You Think and More Important Than You Know by Howard Yaruss
  7. Freeze Fresh: The Ultimate Guide to Preserving 55 Fruits and Vegetables by Crystal Schmidt
  8. Hobby Farm- Living Your Rural Dream for Pleasure and Profit by Carol Ekarius
  9. Vail-Triumph of a Dream by Peter W. Seibert with William Oscar Johnson

Fiction: 2022 Top Book Picks

The fictional entries are always hard to pare down and this year is no exception. In fact, several of my favorite authors have been left off. But I think it is important to keep the list manageable.

  1. We Begin At The End by Chris Whitaker
  2. Piranesi by Susanna Clarke
  3. The Displacements by Bruce Holsinger
  4. The Fields by Erin Young
  5. You Have To Make Your Own Fun Around Here by Frances Macken
  6. Upgrade by Blake Crouch
  7. Life After Life by Kate Atkinson
  8. The Last Thing He Told Me by Laura Dave
  9. Daylight by David Baldacci

New List in 2022: Children’s Books

The 2022 Top Book Picks includes a listing of this year’s favorite children’s books. With three grandkids, more time will be spent reading storybooks.

  1. How To Babysit A Grandma by Jean Reagan with illustrations by Lee Wildesh
  2. Winter’s Gift by Jane Monroe Donovan
  3. Chairs on Strike by Jennifer Jones
  4. Skippyjon Jones in the Doghouse by Judy Schachner
  5. If a Horse Had Words by Kelly Cooper
  6. Santa’s Underwear by Marty Rhodes Figley with illustrations by Marty Kelley
  7. If Animals Trick-or-Treated by Ann Whitford Paul with Illustrations by David Walker
  8. Snowmen at Halloween by Carolyn M. Buehner with illustrations by Mark Buehner

Books as Gifts

Since books make great gifts, the end of the year compilation is handy. 2022 Top Book Picks is an eclectic mix of books. Just fitting for readers of the Econogal blog. Remember you can link to each review by clicking on the highlighted title. Happy shopping!

Lose The Clutter Lose The Weight

The Six-Week Total-Life Slim Down

I was skeptical when I spotted Lose The Clutter Lose The Weight on the same shelf as The Prepared Home at my local library. But I checked it out anyway. The author posits clutter and obesity are tied together psychologically. After reading the book, I can see the possible tie-in. My daily activities keep me in the normal range, weight wise, but the effort to declutter does burn calories.

Peter Walsh is the aforementioned author. Apparently he is famous. Since I don’t watch much television I was unfamiliar with his work with hoarders and those who simply live with clutter. (I am-was- guilty of the latter.) But after just two weeks of following the decluttering to a tee and attempting the mindfulness and fitness aspects I am a believer.

Lose The Clutter

Several self-evaluations begin the book. My analysis indicated I was not a compulsive buyer but I did have a hard time discarding things. In fact I am an expert at saving things. First, all the gifts from family and friends. Second, things that worked and I might need someday. Finally, I don’t want the money spent on the item to be wasted.

Walsh’s psychological discussion made sense. And gave me a justification to declutter. A personal example: My parents gave us a crockpot when we married. This was in the days before you could remove the cooking part from the heating element. Later they gave us a newer version. But both were in my kitchen cupboard until last week. Now only one remains and the other was given to the local second-hand shop. Along with three boxes of kitchen items, mostly duplicates.

Lose The Weight

So far, I have not lost weight. Perhaps I enjoyed Easter dinner too much. Or maybe I weigh what I should. I am older and quite active. But I was hoping to lose the inches around the waist reported by the individuals followed in Lose the Clutter Lose The Weight.

A most likely culprit is the fact the early exercises are less than what I already do. Perhaps by the end of six weeks this will change. Most impressive to me is the twenty-seven pages of strength training exercises. None requiring expensive equipment purchases. I am tempted to buy a copy of the book just so I can have these illustrated techniques to refer to.

Mindfulness and Mindset

A key component to the Lose The Clutter Lose The Weight program is the mindfulness sections. I find these helpful and encouraging. Guilt over purging items is addressed as is sadness. Best of all is the release of negative feelings by tossing the malignant items. I am still working on trying not to be so self-critical. Everything takes time.


This is a great book for those who have hoarding tendencies and a good book for anyone with a messy or disorganized home. I think large households or individuals who have saved things for decades will benefit the most. Buy a copy for yourself or gift it to someone you love. Walsh offers a positive approach to a difficult problem.