Tag: Proposition 47

Thanksgiving 2021

Eclectic Thoughts for Thanksgiving 2021

Thanksgiving 2021 is here. Sharing eclectic thoughts for Thanksgiving week is not new, nor is it a yearly occurrence. However, this year it seems important. Much is happening in the world. And much of what is taking place is concerning.

Violence and crime amid broken down justice systems, the pandemic, the economy and its’ battered supply chain and the divided opinion on what is next are just a few discussions that may pop up at perhaps still small Thanksgiving tables. But at least for me, more than two people will share this year’s feast. Yes, there are always reasons to be thankful.

Broken Down Justice

Is our judicial system broken? I hope not, but some weeks I wonder. This has been one of those weeks. I am willing to accept jury decisions as given, even if I disagree. After all, jurors listen to far more evidence than I ever read about. But, I do disagree with how easy it is to get bail. Furthermore, I think we need to understand there are many causes of recidivism. Thus, there will be individuals that will not be rehabilitated.

Such a case occurred this past weekend. A lifelong criminal plowed a car into a parade. Five people lost their lives and another four dozen were taken to hospitals. The individual accused of the violence had just been released on $1000 bail, even though he still faces multiple trials for previous violent crimes. The most recent an auto attack on the mother of his child.

Less deadly crimes are occurring on the West Coast. Proposition 47 increased the dollar amount to $950 for felony theft. Below that, shoplifting is still a crime but listed as a misdemeanor. The thought was to reduce overcrowding in prisons. But the reality is a huge uptick in looting. Click here for more information.


Divisiveness continues to spring from the ongoing pandemic. The divisions are great. While I believe we are past the virus is a hoax stage, much argument surrounds the vaccines. Especially the ones based on mRNA technology. But other disagreements include masking, vaccine passports, and freedom to choose whether or not to vaccinate. Also, some countries, most recently Austria, are returning to lockdown status.

Much of the blame can be pinned on fear of the unknown. While the United States of America has collectively been thought of as a country of early adopters, that is a generalization. Plenty of Americans prefer a wait and see approach. Many others want proof, and not just those from the Show Me State of Missouri. The country is a large land mass with a population greater than 330 million. We are not going to be all on the same page. And that is ok.

But we do need both tolerance and a sense of responsibility for ourselves and others. This is lacking.

We have an airborne disease wreaking havoc across the globe. Stopping the spread is important. My knowledge of biology is lacking, but I know enough to be cautious. Invisible germs are still germs. Only history will tell us how long and how damaging this novel coronavirus has been, is and will be.

Supply Chain

One of the most frustrating things to me is the continued push for a commercialized Christmas. Since we are experiencing such a problem with supply chain disruption, why is advertising seemingly at all-time highs? What happens when the goods are not able to be delivered in time? Or at all? How will the labor shortage come into play? Lots of stress for retailers, both large and small.

Perhaps 2021 should be a year that emphasizes something other than the latest toy or gadget.

Thanksgiving 2021

Bittersweet is the best way to describe my emotions this Thanksgiving 2021 morning. But at least I am out of the funk that descended upon me at the end of October. I miss the Queen of Halloween as my Mom was often called.

Thankfully, a mid-November weekend visit by the newlyweds lifted my spirits. My house is decorated for Thanksgiving 2021 and my heart is filled with gratitude. A small gathering of four generations will occur. The vast majority vaccinated and the most at risk fortunate enough to have a booster.

Three batches of rolls are about to be baked including an adaptation of the Soft Gluten Free Dinner Rolls. If this recipe is as good as the original, I will share. The only other dish I am responsible for is a family favorite corn casserole with jalapeno peppers. It will be nice not spending all the time cooking as there is a new grandchild to spoil.

I plan to celebrate and be thankful today.Cake decorated to look like a Thanksgiving 2021 turkey.