Tag: The Promise of Unbroken Straw

The Promise of Unbroken Straw

Debut Novel

The Promise of Unbroken Straw, a debut novel by Ken Steele blew me away much like the fictional tornado in the story. This book rivals Crow Talk for the best of 2024. Since this is the first book penned by Steele, it may get the edge to the top. The author offers depth, commentary and historical reflection. Furthermore, The Promise of Unbroken Straw reminds the readers death is final and the time to make amends is short.

The story opens in 1986 and then travels back in time a few decades. Thus, a tale of historical fiction. The setting is rural Oklahoma in an area probably not much changed to this day. Wheat fields provide income as well as hope. And small towns gather under Friday night lights. A star football player and his younger brother are raised by a father and grandfather. The tornado and accompanying hail destroyed a crop needed to keep the land from foreclosure during World War II. Only a small area of unbroken straw remains. Yet there is hope in those stalks. Just as there is biblical hope in rainbows.

Then oil comes to the rescue.

Coming of Age

Paul, the younger brother, is the protagonist. His brother Tim is a star athlete drawing notice while just a sophomore. Their mother died while they were still young. Paul only has vague memories. Jake Landrum presents as a father without emotion. Yet he provides a home with values, including strong ties to the church.

In contrast, is Paul’s best friend Teddy. Both parents are alive. The father, an alcoholic, beats both Teddy and Teddy’s mom on a regular basis. As the story unfolds, other women were victims too. The late 1930s and early 1940s offered little recourse for such behavior. This backstory is pivotal for the growth of the protagonist.

Paul is the opposite of his brother as he is without any athleticism. After the family’s fortune changes and they move to the big city of Tulsa, Paul has his own talents recognized but the move is not an easy one.

When tragedy strikes, Paul blames himself for an accidental death just as his father blamed himself for his wife’s deadly illness. The many parallels in the story provide complexity for the readers.

Depth of The Promise of Unbroken Straw

Familial relationships stand out. Steele offers comparisons throughout the story. First among farm families and then in the city. Parenting is critically examined as are bonds between brothers.

Of note is how wisdom is passed down through the generations. And how families sacrifice for one another. Most importantly the author creates division in the family in allowing  young Paul to reach maturity. Estrangement shows his weaknesses. However, the willingness to return to his hometown indicates the strength of his upbringing.


Most of the story takes place in the forties. The current time-period is the late 80s. Paul has not seen his father for 17 years nor Teddy for even longer. And his grandpa has passed on. The older, wiser Paul bridges the past and the present. His father is dying. And Paul discovers a father and common ground once again. Some secrets are revealed, and others continue. There is no escaping death, but the unbroken straw stands as a reminder of hope.


I highly recommend The Promise of Unbroken Straw. Ethics and reliance on faith through the church are a large part of the story. But familial love is even stronger. The importance of making amends and forgiveness is ever present without explicit statements. And forgiveness of oneself is key.

New authors reaching publication is one accomplishment. Then they face the arduous task of finding a spot amongst the already known. Ken Steele may find this even harder as his name is somewhat common with “other” successful Ken Steele’s including an author and a series character in the United States.

Yet, The Promise of Unbroken Straw is a great gift from the author. Top on my list for 2024. I wish him great success and hopefully other novels to follow. Buy a copy or find a copy at your local library. This story is tremendous and deserves acknowledgement. Kudos to the Ken Steele formerly of Oklahoma and now a resident of Colorado.